Feedback on "end game"

I’m not willing to listen to you repeat yourself about historicals and why things are the way they are. Its just unnecessary long form drivel.

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That means people want change, and feedback is greatly welcomed by all in the community. We all strive to make things better through feedback. Thank you for your addition.

How would you know if you didn’t even put the effort into reading what I wrote? :slight_smile:

It proves that there are some people that want change. It doesn’t mean that change needs to happen. The people who complain about systems are far fewer than those who either enjoy those systems or are indifferent to change and are ok coasting along. You could make that argument with anything in life, very easily. “Well someone said this thing, so obviously we must change something!” It’s not a strong argument.

Also, if you want to show that this is the case, you’d do better going to previously made posts and upvoting/commenting your feelings on them. The devs pay more attention to fewer posts with more comments/upvotes especially than they do more posts with less collective comments and upvotes.

This posts for example always end the same. The same arguments happen back and forth, it ends up being null in the grand scheme of the forums.


See above, I forgot to reply to your reply on Bronco

It exists in the game, so there is a way to get it. So his complaints are automatically invalid because the devs put it there as a bonus? Its not an easter egg, its not a secret. We are speaking of mechanics that exist in the game.

False equivalency, if the overall community becomes bored with tedious / boring s@#$ they will straight up leave, see every POE league released in the past 4 years.

Ill use your own words for this one

Nope, But if it this was universally true so what?

Just because its rewarding doesn’t make it not boring, what point are you even trying to make. I can go shuffle papers at work and get paid to do so. But I guess I should be ecstatic about it?

The boss is 40 levels or so below the player how exactly is it not trivial ? please provide a lengthy comment for this one.

Its already a time sink with the aforementioned pre-requisites, forcing the player to travel through an area that is 40 levels or so below their character just to do something to an item they already have it might as well be a 10 minute crafting bench where you have to hold the spacebar otherwise you have to start over again.


Oh, his complaints about how the mechanic is set up and actual questions and suggestions towards adjusting it are fine.

They would’ve been fine before the factions have been implemented to say it specifically.

Since the loot acquisition through the existence of factions has been raised by magnitudes though it’s already solved, the only bottleneck currently are boss-drop uniques which are plenty available on MG but simply not easily acquired in CoF.

An oversight. Has nothing to do with the LP mechanic but is another topic where it comes from.

Hence why I mentioned the story behind the mechanic since you need to know the root of an issue to solve it. Symptom treatment leads to a bad experience for everyone.

PoE has the best long-term player retention of all ARPGs out on the market… what are you talking about?
It’s not optimal but they had the best existing system until LE came up and might still have it to date.

As mentioned, EHG fails at the balancing aspect, also another topic, not LP issue.

‘If it were’… it’s not though? So what’s your point?

Ok, I don’t find it boring.
So… who’s right now?
Do we have any proper statistic on how many people enjoy dungeons currently?

I haven’t seen any at least.

If they don’t exist… who’s right now?

Do T4 then? Level 95, 5 below character limit, also best rewards.

Dungeons T4 are 95… what are you talking about?
If you find choose a lower limit and then complain I would say that’s not the fault of the game, you chose ‘easy mode’ and now you complain it’s not hard enough :rofl:

Yes, If things continue to be tedious the players won’t come back. And the game will fizzle out like many others.

I keep seeing people maybe its the same guy posting every day that the idea of pushing corruption is supposed to be like some kind of thing you’re not supposed to be able to do. Its in the game, its in the line of progression, there are several mechanics tied to it, and tied to getting better items. But for some reason its being treated as “bonus content” so stop complaining about it.

Ultimately It’s their decision, The right or wrong one could have dire consequences. All people can do is voice their opinions. But I’m seeing a lot of comments being ignored or shut down based on some arbitrary factors or loyalty to how things currently are.

I’ve said this many times : uninformed / bad players are allowed to provide feedback, and sometimes their feedback can be fantastic even if its filled with misconceptions or falsehoods. You have to go to what the root of their dissatisfaction may be. You can’t just start saying NO EVERYTHING IS FINE THE WAY IT IS. That’s how you get stagnation.

A mechanic built with a different audience in mind, purposefully. His argument might be valid, his opinion is of course valid. It doesn’t change the purposeful design of Legendary Crafting at it’s core.

The fact that there are many popular streamers that continue playing PoE over it’s entire cycle period, and that the market is relatively healthy over the entirety of it’s typical 3 month cycle proves you wrong. You might not stay invested for very long, that doesn’t mean others don’t.

I can agree to a point that it’s boring. The dungeon part is boring. Boss fights are not boring, at least not inherently. A boss can be boring if it lacks interesting mechanics. This ends up being very subjective. I enjoy Julra (though I hate the walking simulator that is the dungeon leading up to Julra). Your subjective opinion is that Julra isn’t as exciting. Neither of us are wrong.

This is only true for lower iLevel gear. Firestarter’s torch has no level requirement, as such you can run T1 Julra and get a 4LP craft of it. For higher iLevel uniques, you are required to play an on level or higher version of the dungeon, to which your argument falls flat.

Lol yeah so 2 weeks into a league and the market becomes stagnant and 90% of the players have moved on its the “the best long-term player retention” ok bud. I love trading with bots too its great. Its totally a real level 1 player eternally in their base.

Both sides have their points., So will agree that some people find it boring? or not?

You only have to do the base level to craft LP items.

good to know

Still doesn’t change that it’s the ARPG with the best retention numbers to date which has existed in the whole history of the genre.

Wasn’t the point, you based your argument on the premise that it’s boring.
If you take that away then it warrants no removal.
Adjustements? Sure, the dungeons themselves can absolutely be made more engaging with some systems like a variable corruption level of personal choosing depending on how often you did it already, a Tier 5 system for it for example to implement it.

But removal? You said that you have no clue if it’s general that people find it boring or not now… but asked for removal because you find it boring.

I mean, if you don’t want the rare unique drops from T4 of the dungeons you do you. But those are really powerful items.

Yes and my mom is the greatest candy crush player in my house.

When did I ask for anything.

another ardent gladiator group think defender. feedback is feedback, when an army of people are talking about the same thing it means something.

I appreciate your thoughts though.

hardly bi weekly try harder next time.

my unwillingness to read your post is not related to me putting effort in, its actually related to you putting effort in and me not caring about it. This is a feedback suggestion and the last thing i care about reading is some long form wall of text. l2forum

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Yes, this legendary and unique RNG system was done in a simplistic, uncreative way - you are not alone in your point of view. But you’re unlikely to change the deep-rooted opinion of any of these guys who follow the forum.

A simple solution that many RNG-based games use: Add player effort to RNG manipulation, to reduce extreme cases of bad luck and keep players stimulated.

Let’s assume that when you drop a legendary, you have a base chance of 70% of being an LP(0), 25% of being a Lp(1), 4.99% of being a Lp(2), 0.00999% of being an lp(3) and 0.000001% of being an LP(4).

Just create a system where, every time you drop a unic with a certain potential, the chance of dropping other potentials increases. And to make it easier, unics who don’t have potential will always have their chance reduced by the bonus of those who have potential. When you drop an item with a certain potential >0, the bonus for that potential returns to 0.

A practical example: You dropped 10 unique LP(0), and each of them will result in a +1% drop bonus on the bases of the other LPs, looking like this:

LP(1): 25+(25 * 0.10) = 27.5%
Lp(2): 4.99+(4.99 * 0.10) = 5.489%
LP(3): 0.00999 + (0.00999 * 0.10) = 0.010989%
Lp(4): 0.000001 + (0.000001*0.1) = 0.0000011%

Resulting in 70 + 27.5 + 5.489 + 0.010989 + 0.0000011 = 102.99999901%. So the bonus that exceeded 100% must be reduced by Lp(0): 70 - 2.99999901 = 67.00000099%

Final result:
Lp(0): 67.00000099%
LP(1): 27.5%
LP(2): 5.489%
LP(3): 0.010989%
LP(4): 0.0000011%

Therefore, if you now dropped an LP(1), its bonus would be reset, returning to the base 25%, increasing the chance of LP(2,3,4) and readjusting the base LP(0).

Why is this necessary? Well, if you’re trying to accomplish a goal that you know you have a 1% chance of, then you expect to have to do at least 100 times the effort routine - if you get it sooner, great; If it goes on for a while, that’s fine… but the moment you start having to repeat it 300, 400 times, it becomes a problem. So this kind of system minimizes that, but keeps things as difficult as they should be.

The same concept, with some adjustments, can be applied to the forging of the legendary, but the game is not mine.

And an important point: Today, dropping a rare Unique with good potential, depending on the roll of affixes on it, will just be a frustrating trash item.

Sorry for having to ‘draw’, but a lot of people seem to make an effort to not understand. They start saying that everyone will have set lp(4) full blast tier50


It’s because they spent extra money in supporter packs. They are too invested to admit that the game is not perfect.


Yes, this is a proper example on how a ‘pity system’ can be set up without majorly interfering in the game. This is something which is quite viable I would say. Not to get the respective item in the first place but solely for deciding which LP it creates.

Albeit take into consideration that the baseline drop-rate for LP would need to be adjusted accordingly… but it at least provides a clear-cut and (sooner or later) guaranteed drop, even if it’s a lot of effort.

Also @Beenk that’s how you create a case for yourself, learn from that person instead of what you’re doing, relying solely on fallacies.

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I just want to comment here. I enjoy the temporal sanctum dungeon personally and would like options for longer form runs. I also think its unfun to run the dungeon, ESP based on gear levels to craft gear.


A. Once you beat the dungeon or do some achievement the eternity cache needs to be unlocked.

B. Tier level needed for craft should correspond to LP level.

Personally i think A. seems more appetizing. Could have some combination of both and have running the dungeon allow you to pick a stat(s) for the upgrade.

I also think many will have a different opinion when the ward/op builds get brought back into line. Running say, reign of winter vs jelkor as an example and then needing to do t3-4 Julra is misery. You’re basically pidgeonholed into either using a different character or build to even be able to run it an advance because of balance. And when many op builds arent so “ez mode” or stacking 20k ward so you can faceroll through content, it will become much more tedious.