Feedback, my first season

I was really excited to try and play this. Would be nice to have something else to play. Sadly, the way the game is now, I don’t think I will be back for awhile.
*I tried to play FG hammer throw. These are my issues.

  1. Bugs mana starved forging talent making the build im trying to play awful and only works under certain conditions.)
  2. Boss fights- Mechanically they are great. Stuff that kills you in 1/2 a sec. with capped res. not great. (i played a pretty defensive build as well not a glass cannon)
  3. Leveling pace. Maybe this is in my head. But it seems like leveling 1-70 went pretty smoothly. 70-80 felt like a slog.
  4. Lack of melee/balancing. I am a melee enjoyer. in d4 and poe, It feels and looks like melee is just not very good. (Especially because of #2)

It’s not in your head, levelling is intended to slow down as 100 is the end point not a start point (eg, D3/4).

I think Lagon in particular is stupid with his one-shot mechanics and small arena, and I’m not even melee! I can just imagine how bad it is for them. I had to fight him for the harbinger just now and I hated it. Glad to get it over with. Took 3 tries. Ugh. Every other boss I kill on first try every time usually.

You really didn’t, though. You have 1.1k health which is very very low. You only have 44% armor mitigation (which is only about 30% against non-phys) and you only have 20% endurance with 273 threshold.
Defense in LE isn’t just capping res (which isn’t even that important, you can do fine with 70-74% res). It’s about multiple layers of defense, which you don’t have.

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I didn’t have any problems with Lagon on a SD melee Puncture bladedancer or a pseudo melee Storm Crows Beastmaster (you need to be in melee range to use Tempest Strike & buff the fuck out of the Crows). If you know what you’re doing Lagon isn’t a problem, my only issues with Lagon were the waves in the second phase because my Beastmaster’s gear (& thus resists & hp) were garbage.

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I had over 7k ward and still getting one-shot. I know you are supposed to dodge the mechanics but it’s just hard when you’re not used to it. Literally everything else in the game I can tank it, if I get hit once I don’t just immediately die. And other boss mechanics I’m just more used to I guess.


You should invest in either crit reduction or get 100% crit avoid. Most of the times it’s a critical hit that kills you.

Yeah, that’s fair. Things like that do require a change in mindset from not needing to be bothered about anything to needing to be bothered about some things.


I have over 100% crit avoidance. With Lagon specifically, it just straight up does over 7k damage. This is corruption 155 mind you (not even that high) with NO other modifiers to affect his damage.

Sorry, I confused you with OP. He was the one missing crit reduction/avoidance. Carry on.

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Off topic, how do i view charecter via forum? I don’t see how.

You don’t, you go to LE tools & type in their forum name. But that functionality isn’t available on mobile sadly.

With this being my first character what defensive values should i aim for?

You really are not.
1120 health is the definition of a glass-cannon, it’s so low that it’s playing the equivalent of a 2,5k life build in Path of Exile. Obviously you’ll die.

The other points can definitely be right… but since you base your feedback off of a situation which is heavily skewed and absolutely not inside the normative parameters we can’t use it to say ‘yes something needs to be changed’ or ‘no, all’s fine’.

Which is a bit of a shame.

Yes, levelling pace has been slowed. I dislike it as well, quite a bit so even. It feels like a slog at the end and serves no major purpose. Solely to keep the mental barrier of a few people reaching 100 and hence their mind deeming their character as ‘done’ away from stopping to play, inconveniencing everyone else along the line.

From my perspective a bad decision… but I have no actual numbers for the people affected on either side so I can only speak from my own perspective there. Could be utterly fine too.

Usually actually easier since a large portion of melee builds focus on mitigation in some form as well as sustain. As long as you can keep yourself alive for a single big hit it’s good. The only dangerous are hence the easily avoidable beams and getting stunned from something… which shouldn’t happen much since you got much health.

He’s definitely a really harsh boss for the campaign though, the positioning and setup towards him is badly done, no way around it, it’s a sudden skill-spike and it could be handled in a gradual ramped up manner.

You don’t via the forum. You go to ‘lastepochtools’, there you have in the uppermost area several tabs. The right-most tab states ‘Character profiles’ and you can simply write in the name showcased here in the forum from anyone and it’ll display all their character, equipment, idols, skills, passives.

I’ll try to give you a bit of a breakdown, just take into consideration I’m not a great genie in terms of builds so I can only give baseline directions. Hope I can help out a bit at least.

First of all, health. Flat health is important, You can achieve it either via idols (surviving and taking longer generally is a better solution to avoid frustration) and your gear.
If you got low base health then ‘% health’ is inferior to flat.
Some bases offer ‘hybrid’ ones, hence flat + %health. The bases for that are Gloves, Belts and Boots.
Make sure to get as much as possible of that specific one, it’s a rare one… so general ‘flat’ does the job too.

Next up is defenses through mitigation. This includes resistances, armor and block. You’re well off with those… but since you lack EHP it doesn’t matter if damage is reduced since nonetheless you get hit too much.

Hence a solution for that is ‘endurance’ and ‘endurance threshold’ after health. The higher your flat health is the more it actively multiplies your EHP.

Another point is to make sure your affixes don’t interact badly with uniques you wear. I’m not sure on that… but if the 'less health regen on ‘Bleeding Heart’ is a multiplicative stat (increase and decrease are commonly additive while less and more are multiplicative) then all your other healing affixes are 30% less worth. Hence getting leech is nice but not from that place but rather a weapon.
And since your weapon is nice the best-case scenario to get an upgrade would be slaying Nemesis mobs for a ‘chitin club’ that can upgrade into a ‘avenged chitin club’ and offers not only more flat melee damage but also endurance threshold and maximum health as endurance threshold, playing well into Forge Guards proclivity to have high health usually.

The next thing you could do is take another relic, yours is fully outfitted with T2 affixes, a single T5 affix is worth more then 2 T2 affixes commonly. Missing a few points in res isn’t too important… but having some much needed stats on there can instead help you a ton.

As for resistances. Cap is 75% everything above is a ‘dead stat’. Removing some overcapped res and instead investing into other areas is quite important, also it allows you to fix up your necrotic resistance which is fairly low.

As for another very important stat, that’s ‘reduced critical damage taken’. This is the same as ‘crit avoidance’ basically… but instead of avoidance it also has some armor on top, hence being a hybrid affix as well, a very good investment.

And last but not least for equipment itself, boots should always have movement speed on them, they’re your main source for that. While stats are nice and especially strength plays well into your damage… with a new weapon that has leech + flat physical damage (you can scale it from somewhere else) it’ll help you a lot to increase both your defenses and offenses at the same time.

Hope some of those things help! There’s a few easy fixes and a few harder ones, use whatever you can take at a time simply.

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