Feedback - Lightning shaman build

I’m looking for feedback on a custom build i’ll be trying at launch, I havent gotten to end game with it, so I do not know how well it can do

My skills will be
Lightning totem - main source of DPS
Tornado with conjure lightning - 2nd source of DPS
Crows - Used to Shock and Armor shred - 3rd source of DPS
With Eterra’s blessing and Warcry for support

How do you forsee as a weakness?


New lightining skill will be launch.
Wait them to make a new build.

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Very excited for this! Had a lightning build very similar to this, but felt like there was a missing link. I attempted to use Maelstorm to fill in the gap, but the on-kill Maelstrom effect doesn’t work when your totem kills something. :frowning:

I’m running what I call the Storm Lord build:
Gathering Storms, Lightning Totem, Tornado, Storm Crows, and Leap.

enjoying playing on 120 corruption?

Don’t know yet. I am still making my way through the regular Monoliths. Do you have a prediction ?

Update your progress here later! :slight_smile:

Why does this seem like a troll?

I want to hear the progress report!