Feedback and Ideas about Grind, Loot, Progression and why Bots and RMT exist

Having been alive a long time, and having met a variety of people, wealthy and otherwise, I have come to the conclusion that, as long as there are people interacting with systems and other people, there will be individuals and groups seeking to gain advantage, however that may be expressed, by any means available to them, whatever that means in any given circumstance.

That is why bots and RMT exist in video games.

It’s also why aimbots (and other hacks) exist for FPS games. But all of that impacts other players’ fun and even the perceived fun of a game. We will never be be rid of either, since cheaters will always be around, but games can try to control it and players can stop condoning the problem, even if it’s just by minimizing the issue.

Exactly what difference would it make if some players on the forum said “RMT BAD”?

Developers have reasons of their own to attempt to limit RMT, not the least of which is the outsize burden they place on the game servers. They already know that “RMT BAD”.

The problem isn’t that there aren’t people on game forums saying RMT bad. The problem is that there are people on the forums saying “RMT NOT BAD” and making excuses for it. Just like in other genres people make excuses for cheats/hacks. And it’s that whitewashing of consequences that enables the behaviour to continue among players.

Devs aren’t at fault here, since they’re limited in what they can do. It’s just a small part of the playerbase condoning/enabling those practices (and a large part simply shrugging and ignoring the issue) that makes it part of the norm.

Life is too short to be crusading against things that will never change. Nothing anyone says anywhere will stop someone from buying whatever from some third-party site when that is what they do in every video game.

If everyone had that attitude women still couldn’t vote and certain races would still have to sit at the back of the bus.
You might argue that you don’t consider this particular issue important enough to spend your energy on, and that’s fine, but crusading against “things that will never change” is how things get changed.

And there’s also a difference between not crusading against something and just saying things are fine the way they are.

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There are real problems in the world. If I were the type to care and had to choose an evil to fight, I don’t think I’d prioritize RMT in video games.

You are right
It’s difficult to make them admit that the game wasn’t designed properly
It’s equally difficult to make them admit that the game they’re playing is boring

Please people, don’t derail this into an RMT discussion. It’s not intended to be and only used as a context to better understand my thoughts on the matter.

You think it’s boring. I don’t. I’m having fun. Just like I found D3 boring and yet many people didn’t.
Boring and fun are subjective to each person, not part of the game.

I don’t think the game is boring, I really love the game. There are parts of it that get boring with time and when you hit a wall and RNG screws you. At least that’s how it’s for my person.

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Yes,Endless RNG+enormous loot=the ‘boring’ I meant

End game is illimitable

The fact that I couldn’t get perfect LP3-LP4 items screws me