Feedback after actually giving the game a chance

Yes i did use chatgpt to format

I bought this game a while ago and never got past level 70. I want to preface this by saying that, in general, I had a lot of fun and will definitely keep coming back each cycle.


  • Blessing and Corruption Farming: Blessing farming and corruption farming seem to work against each other. For example, according to a guide, a certain blessing is in a specific map. I go into that timeline, farm several maps, get my blessing (or not), and then have to go to another timeline to get the rest. Each time I do this, my corruption resets back to 100. “But there’s catchup” - catchup means I’m not progressing my corruption further.
    • Why can’t corruption be “timeline-wide”? You should be able to progress your corruption uniformly across any timeline, maintaining the same corruption/progress and pushing it further from there.
  • Sparse Monoliths: Monoliths seem barren (I know the game is fairly new). I counted three things that can spawn, and they don’t have a 100% spawn rate. That’s fine, but at least the current cycle mechanic should spawn 100%. “But people will abuse and reset areas and break the game” - so? Resetting areas to farm a specific mechanic is a core mechanic of ARPGs. Also, they are technically shooting themselves in the foot if they do that instead of just farming high corruption maps.
  • Remove Arena Monoliths: I do not want to play arena; if I did, I’d go and play it.
  • Corruption and Stability Visibility: Make it so I can see how much stability/corruption a timeline has without having to go there physically.
  • Monolith Rewards: I don’t like that when you die, you lose the monolith reward.

Quality of Life (QOL)

  • Stash Tab Affinity: It’s fine to just copy things.
  • Save Stash Tab Layout: Save stash tab layout for next cycles.
  • Increase Pickup Radius
  • Auto Transfer Shards: Why do I have to click to collect a shard and then click again to transfer?
  • Skill Releveling on Item Unequip: Every time I unequip an item that has +x level y skill, I have to relevel that skill. I get that it’s probably a safeguard against exploits, but maybe make it so it saves what I had before. If I re-equip that item, it will just restore the levels.

Loot Filter

  • Custom Drop Sounds
  • Map Indicators
  • More Colors and Icons: Add more colors or other things to differentiate, like icons.

Merchants Guild

  • Faster Ranking Up: Make ranking up faster. Most of the time, the stage you are at in the game versus the rank makes it so you can’t buy the stuff you are currently looking for. For example, I was level 94 looking to start making legendary items, but I couldn’t buy 1LP items or legendary items outright.
  • Enhanced Search Functions: Add more functions such as searching for a T7 of a mod AND a T5+ of another mod instead of having to manually hover over each item. A “Count” function would be nice as well.
  • Tier-specific Checkboxes: Each checkbox should also have another checkbox where I can select the tier for that specific mod.
  • Improved Listing Process: The process of listing items is really bad. Maybe add a function to bulk list items for a set price for starters and remove some of the steps necessary for listing things. (Also, why can’t I price check items from the same NPC I list items?)
  • Unified NPC Search: I don’t know why we need one NPC for each item. It would be nice if we could just search for things from any NPC.
  • Price Checking Tool: Torchlight has a really nice tool for price checking items. You click an item, click the mods you think are relevant, and the game tells you if there are any listed and their price. We need a way to quickly price check items. The alternative would be to let people use API and get a third-party one.

Monoliths are still being expanded, with the biggest foreseeable one being at 1.3.

It’s not a cycle mechanic. This isn’t something like PoE where they add an overpowered and unchecked mechanic as a cycle mechanic that then gets done “properly” to add to core.
EHG is still adding core stuff to the game and they’re adding them already balanced.
Unless they feel the need to tweak something (or want to expand the mechanic), when you start 1.2 Nemesis will be that same thing as it is now.

Most of the stuff you’re referencing was already discussed in other places, I don’t see a need to discuss them again. Which is fine, because you’re just giving your feedback.

So you want to remove the single only penalty to dying in the game?
This is fine as it is. It’s not like you get any echo reward that is so rare that you can’t afford to miss on it. If you fail it, there are a bunch of similar ones.

Stash tabs will be expanded upon soon.
Autotransfer is something everyone agrees and there are many threads about it, it’s up to the devs to do something about it.

+skill gear switching happens that way to prevent cheesing, just search the forum and there’s some older thread with Mike explaining why it works the way it does.

All of those are something that might come in the future, currently it’s not because of performance issues.

MG UI is being reworked. It didn’t make it to 1.1 in time but it should be release still within this cycle.


Blessing and Corruption Farming:
That’s because we don’t have enough content yet and it would remove the total available time in the game. Yes, I dislike it as well, it’ll hopefully change in the future but for now it’s decent to enforce a bit more play-time overall.

Sparse Monoliths:
EHG implements things as if they’re core, hence no OP non-stop content like PoE does. This means new things won’t be available all the time and you’ll have them in the same amount in the following league, gradually building up.

For a league mechanic itself it might seem lackluster… but for the longevity of the game it’s a good thing.

Arena Monoliths:

Agreed, would be very nice.

That’s so people don’t bash their heads against a wall. Some downsides for not handling specific content well. Otherwise there’s a distinct group of people which would push beyond their available limits and complain… more then that’s already the case.


Affinities: Agreed, would be nice.
Layout: Agreed, would be nice.
Pickup Radius: We already got quite long arms, they’re long enough.
Transfer Shards: Agreed, would be good.
Skill Releveling: Has a reason to not allow people to hotswap gear from AoE to single-target, won’t change. Ages long discussion, won’t change, simple as that.

Loot filter:

Custom Sounds: Agreed, would be nice.
Map indicators: Agreed, would be nice.
More: Agreed, would be nice.


Faster Rank Up: Why? Already it was sped up and it’s utterly useless. The core Rank setup is at fault and badly implemented. It doesn’t need a speed-buff but a rework.

Enhanced Search Functions: Maybe during the cycle, a UI rework + improvements were said to come, we don’t know which.

Multi-Tier search: Agreed, mandatory, not even nice… mandatory.

Improved listing: The whole listing setup also is a mess. Quick price-checks are needed, the favor cost is fairly dumb for listing as a limitation. Loads to do there as well.

Unified Search: Agreed, would be nice.

Price Check Tool: Agreed, also mandatory, not optional. MG is not fully functional without one, it’s 15 years aged.

With their general ‘quality work’ regarding UI I’m not looking forward to it all that much, I can already see all the missed things, all the bad implementations… all the bugs.
So let’s hope it’ll turn out halfway decent at least.

I mean, this doesn’t really stop them from releasing the content with a 100% spawn chance, then dropping the spawn chance to something more reasonable once the next cycle comes around. Doing so would keep them from dialing in spawn chance between successive patches, but they could do that at the end of a cycle if need be.

Umh… that’s exactly what I’ve talked about.

They don’t do it since it sets expectations higher which reduces viability for Legacy which is bad for the longevity of the game.

We see it with PoE and havong to ‘one up’ themselves each time rather then making their core game a 10/10 solid product.
GGG starting to heavily invest into Qol for some reason… surprisingly juuuust as Last Epoch went around to say they’re releasing, before that they shied away from it like it was the plague.

We don’t need another company getting complacent like GGG did for a while because there was no competitor, they are in a position where they can do it properly and not be under extreme scrutiny because people got used to messy stuff which focused on stuff which only lasted for 3 months and then needing 9 to even fix halfway up to work with the game.

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