Favor Gain, Corruption EXP Scaling. CoF issues

Beginning with 1.1, corruption exp scaling was changed so that players who are reaching “absurdly high” corruption can no longer benefit from big favor gains. This insanely high corruption was called by Mike i believe around and above 1000 (keep that number in mind)
Last cycle (1.0) Favor generated by the most advanced and active players varied from 400-700k per hour (in a scenerio that player would aggresivly target farm high-density areas, aiming for favor) in high corruptions, back then 3-6k corr.
In THAT scenerio
A) player was constantly challanged to upgrade their gear, in order to reach higher corruption
B) player was rewarded with more favor in higher corruption, that helped with generating more items by COF prophecies.

That felt right to me when i was first introduced to the game, it made perfect sense and gave a sense of purpose into my gameplay.

Currently roughly 18 days after the cycle started, and even eariler at this point i could say i am already done with this cycle.
All due to recent changes META turned out to be grinding in a range 600-1000 corruption for most efficient favor gains, prioritizing lower corruption (ab. 600) to be targeted with the fastest time-to-kill setups.
18 days, this is how much time it took me to reach into that cap of 1000 corruption with my gear being already good enough to handle it.

My point being, where’s the challenge ? What to do now?
I really didnt have to chase BiS slams within my gear to reach that 1000.
2 weeks within cycle i am already farming nearly cap possible amount of favour that can be generated, and IMO this number is too low.
From many calculations its been drawn that around 200-300k favor per hour is a max cap.
It feels like there’s nothing to chase anymore (unless someone wants to target Arena LB).

My POV/ suggestions

  1. Allow players to freely reach above 1k corruption without being punished lower/slower favor gain compared to low corruption, it just doesnt make any sense. If i can do better i should get more.
  2. It feels like CoF generally was buffed incredibly much at the low to mid-end game progression, considering that nemesiss and favor gain at low corruption and improved corruption climbing is an all support there. Leaving players that want to achieve more in a position to mindlessly overgrind easy echos in higher endgame.
  3. Please you gotta find a way to compensate favor more, so that players arent forced to play in abnormal way to generate satisfactionary amount of items. Currently spaming and zooming thru one high-density echo over and over, or one shotting a boss and exploiting harbringers is the only way to generate (anyways not enough, but) more items than playing normally.
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Why do you think they should balance around your hyper-aggressive play style? Why should they balance around you, and not, say, the 5% worst players? You’re both outliers. Balance should be around the majority of players, and no matter what you want to tell yourself, that is not the bleeding edge racers like you.


It just means they fucked up and your build is getting another rounds of nerfs, the beatings will continue until moral improves.

Aka, they want 300 to be normies end game, and the sweats they want farming 600, if people are still pushing 1k, they didnt nerf hard enough.

Tattling on yourself.

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It’s not like the devs don’t have access to all the data and don’t know which builds are doing 1k+ corruption anyway. Making a forum post or not makes no difference for this.


you’re clearly missing the point here, im not asking them to redesign game to fit my gamestyle, im asking them to give me the space to continue after reaching “endgame” within days.
Casuals always have their own space, ofc its gonna be silkysoft easy mode gameplay which they did in 1.1, sadly the cost of that was killing players who wanna reach high end

News Flash: Player who plays a TON complains that they reached end of game.
Also, water is wet. Film at 11.


Goto 1500 corruption. Problem solved.