Farming Monolith blessings sucks. Here's how to fix them

I’m really really starting to hate monoliths. In early access, 1.0, and now 1.1 it’s every time its grindy nature that makes me quit the game. Farming blessings feels like one of the most unrewarding game activity I have ever done.

It takes me about 30 min to clear a single empowered monolith if I pretty much ignore real life, drops, etc. otherwise it’ll take me 45-60 min.

As far as I recall, I have never been able to get one empowered blessing I want on any of my characters before I grow too bored to continue farming. I usually start with the one I feel I need most, something like Grand Resolve of Humanity. As I haven’t been able to get it, I have no idea how many runs it’s supposed to take me to get it… 15? 20? 50?

There are 5 empowered monoliths that give me useful combat bonuses. Let’s assume on average it takes me 20 runs at 45 min. That’ll take me about 70 hours just to get the blessings. I could probably finish 2-3 small games in that time or level several alts to 80+.

Sure, I could be off and just completely unlucky, but this should at the very least illustrate that there’s a problem

Fix suggestion
I’ve got a suggestion how to fix this: When you’ve done a monolith, increase the odds of blessings you haven’t been able to pick from yet to appear by a percentage, let’s say 25% (reset once shown). That way you’re at least guaranteed to at some point get what you want.

Have you tried this:


+only taking boss blessings?

I am asking because I have shitload of this envys so I can do bosses every5-10 minutes, not 30-45min. They drop like candies in corr450+

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Thanks for the suggestion! I honestly had completely forgotten about the Gylph of Envy… it read a bit fague to me and I never gave it another look… but I’ll definitely give that a shot right away.

Could you perhaps elaborate on what you mean with this bit?

+only taking boss blessings?

Well I mean you choose CoF prophecies only for certain bosses in monoliths, than farm them all the time using mainly envys. This way you have strong drop of uniques very frequently. For now I find it the most optimal way to farm uniques. I have a lot of nice lp3 uniques using this method. The problem is with good items to slam… T7&T6 drops with exact needed affixes for my build are much harder to get…
So my situation now is I have about 10 lp3 rings to slam but zero T7&T6 to fill them :slight_smile:

Oh please forgive me I mean choising prophecies not blessings of course :crazy_face:
Well I didnt ask if you are cof player, I assumed that but I may be wrong :tipping_hand_woman:

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