Fallacy Amulet with Falcon interaction

Has anyone used the fallacy amulet with the falcon? Wondering if the crit bonus works on the falcons attacks and if its worth picking up over the avarice gloves.

Falcon is a minion. Amulet doesn’t give minion crit, so it doesn’t work.

AKTUUUALLY even though it is a minion, there is some odd interaction where the node that gives a portion of your crit chance to the falcon absolutely does work, sometimes, with Gambler’s Fallacy. It feels like a bug or unintended behavior however, as it isnt always consistently working.

My hunch is that it “snapshots” your crit chance every so often or on some condition, and if you haven’t attacked recently and have the 100% crit chance up, the falcon absolutely can and will crit 100% of the time. Even if you use your attacks. Definitely overpowered as all hell.

What happen if you have Singularity or wing guard? Do it allow the falcon to keep the 100% crit chance while allowing you to use skills (best example would be falcon’s gale), or is your crit chance set to 0 instead?

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