Falconer Net(caltrops) : Silvered Spikes crit chance?

Hey guys, been messing around with the new Falconer skill - Net.
There’s a node called Silvered Spikes: “Improves Caltrops’ base critical strike chance from all sources per 10% global slow chance.”
On the other hand, there’s another node called Tanglewire: “Net’s hits slows enemies. ( * Slow Stacks When Free: 1 per point)”

My question is, does Tanglewire slow consider as 100% slow chance? or it’s just consider as a negetive aliment to opponent? Would it be able to boost 10% base crits for caltrops?
Also, the node describetion said “Slow Stacks When Free”, does that mean the slow only implied after net snare duration?

Thank you all in advanced.

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