Falconer Nerfed

I read the patch notes. Seems like Falconer overall is going to have a 17%-25% damage nerf based on all the skills that were nerfed.

I didn’t run it last league but based on my understanding it was uber last league. Is it still the more overpowered of the rogue sub classes or is the marksman the new FOTM? I saw marksman got alot of buffs in the patch notes but not sure how much it will boost?

It is hard to tell, which one will have the highest power level. The changes basically mean this:

Bladedancer got her signature shadow daggers back, which Falconer was strictly better at with Aerial Assault (it’s shadow daggers got turned 1:1 into shred).

Marksman lost her one meta-destroying trap/melee build but gained some slight buffs here and there to her signature archery style that was nigh non-existent in 1.0.

Falconer got reined in overall, but will still be a solid hybrid choice not forced into either ranged or melee. You can base your build on the falcon itself or just have him around for some buffs and a 16% kill threshold.

I actually expect them to be similar in power but weaker than some of the masteries outside Rogue that got more attention.

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thanks. ok im playing in Asia timezone, so i might go to sleep early and wake up and see what the verdict is on those that rush it for 8 hours while I’m asleep are saying. Let me know what your thoughts are after 8 hours of gameplay ill check back in hehehehe.

If everything goes according to EHG’s plan, no build should now achieve 1k+ corruption (though I doubt that they managed to balance everything yet), much like pretty much every build should be able to reach 300c.
In which case, just choose whichever you feel would be the most fun to play. Especially because you’re trying to avoid the overpowered ones.

And in case Falconer remains overpowered, even in 1.0 there were falconer builds that were just good and not OP, so you can always use those.


I chose to play a very niche falconer build that I concocted on my own. It was incredibly fun and rewarding, but it’s been nerfed into non-existence in 1.1. Even though I can’t find a single video or thread of anybody else playing it. Feelsbadman.

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I’m in Europe so I’ll start on thursday. We have the semi-finals today and tomorrow :wink:
Best of luck with your choice.


Now that I have played for a day and done everything with my Marksman, I think the biggest takeaway is that we will change our definition of a strong build/class.

We have this typical “pick 2 out of 3” system in LE with those 3 being:

  1. damage
  2. survivablity
  3. speed

In 1.0 speed wasn’t really considered a meta factor for survivability was paramount (-> ward builds) and that wasn’t really a thing for us Rogues. Our only meta presence was due to Jelkhors doing as much damage as 20 of those ward guys combined. Kill before you get killed.

Now in 1.1 I expect the meta to become speed+damage for high corruption isn’t the goal anymore and that’s the Rogue identity. So while other classes may have an easier time with bosses, we can spawn them faster (and still do them somehow :wink: )

And technically, as long as we can kill our harbingers, we can have another char to do Aberroth.

Regarding your question which of our masteries is the best, I can’t tell at this point. Have you made your choice?

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Rogue is not really in a good state.
All this I’m talking is in comparison of other classes, any of the three masteries can have fun and good builds.

Marksman is outdated and needs thrice the effort of the newer classes to have some survivability and damage power.

Bladedancer is in a weird spot where it can have some real nice damage but still lacks some defensive layers
(For example more access to glancing blow chance).
The effort to have defense and damage balanced is also huge, not that it’s a bad thing, but other classes have a much easier life to do this.

Falconer still reigns it’s superior in everything.

With all that said
Keep in mind that if you are just like the dinosaurs here and your goal is to achieve 200-300 corruption you can play half naked and you will be successful.

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Haven’t had time to play the cycle, planning on starting a Falconer this weekend. Am I shooting myself in the foot?

yeah i rolled a falconer. definitely easier than the blade dancer i had last league. I was using umbral last league and it was a bit methodical. but im cruising along so far not too bad. doing solo self character found this league since I didnt play with anyone at all last league hardly just once or twice.

Yeah of note Falconer was easily the strongest subclass in the game, along with Ghostflame / CF Warlock (50% ish damage nerf), HH Pally (90+% EHP generation nerf), and Frostclaw Runemaster (synergies directly dismantled and 90% freeze rate nerf). It having a 15-25% nerf with no fundamental nerfs to the things powering it leaves it still easily the most powerful subclass in the game.

And by the way while giving it the smallest nerfs of any of the top 10 builds despite it clearing like 1000 more arena waves than the #2 build, they also gave falconer specific unique boots which give skill synergies, cooldown reduction, and up to +58% move speed from the boots alone. So yeah I expect falconers to be doing just fine. Clearly someone important at EHG has one as their main.

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