Falconer deals way too much damage

Hello there, following the relative stability of the servers in recent days, my friend and I have been leveling together, I’m playing a warlock and he’s playing a falconer, and I noticed something absolutely bizarre about his damage about the time we were around level 30.

For me, I’ve been running a poison/plague/curse build and for the most part up to that point I just throw out a spirit plague and it spreads to everything and all but elites die without a thought, so I never gave too much attention to the damage I was actually doing, and he was clearing at about the same speed so things seemed normal.

Then things started surviving me and I started to actually see the numbers popping up, and I was doing something like 400-ish ticks of damage over time, and he was hitting enemies for… 12k

Fast forward to level 60, we started monoliths last night, my gear has improved and my rifts hit for like 4k fat ticks with rapid 800-1200’s from the spirits, meanwhile he’s over here with his dive bomb every few seconds hitting 100,000 damage

Like, this scaling is clearly broken… how is it nobody else seems to be talking about this?

(Edit: keep in mind, I have no trouble clearing content, even with enemies buffed with 170% hp I can rift and run through basically everything and it will die, in fact when we fought Lagon in the story, he bugged my friend out of the arena, killing him instantly, and I still soloed him without issue… but he’s doing 8 times my fully ramped dps (approximately)… like, something is clearly wrong here…)


if you build all around the falcon you barely do any damage yourself. it’s like a summoning build with only 1 minion. Like I have flurry on right click but I hardly ever use it unless I’m at -50 mana.

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why are you complaining about damage in what is basically a single player game? who do you work for? like did the npcs hire you to advocate for them or something?

your friend is playing a high burst build & you’re playing a slow dot build. the damage numbers aren’t really a surprise. also as you yourself said. you aren’t have any issues clearing, regardless of your build you can progress & clear content, so maybe your friend just has a better build / better gear than you do. No reason to try & get them nerfed though lol

like just absurd behaviour imo.


You don’t understand, I’m not complaining about being weaker, I’m suspicious that there is some sort of bug at play here making them do way more damage than intended.

Like, how long before he’s hitting for millions? Billions? Octillions? He’s not even using a burst built, every time he does damage he overkills the entire room by a margin so high that it can’t possibly be intended.

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If you legitimately think its a bug, post it in the bugs forum rather than the falconer forum. if youre unsure and asking what other people think, if it is or is not a bug, dont be surprised when people disagree with you.
Also, saying something as vague as “he has high damage numbers” without mentioning ANY details about the build hes using, skills hes using, how he’s spec’d in passives, etc isnt helpful in the least. No one is going to take you seriously when there isnt enough details to understand whats going on or exactly WHY you think its bugged, it just come across as complaining. Hope this helps!


Shadow Daggers Falconer actually has a bug rn which boost its damage.
Dive Bomb on der other hand is just straight up broken, I am pretty sure that once Devs have servers under their control and they start looking at balancing Falconer will be hit with a nerf.

I am playing one myself and have shit ton of fun but I agree that he feels overpowered.

I am a returning player, so don’t know much but I noticedo n the streams yest of LE, they DID say falconer is a deeps cannon, and say locks are tanks etc… but they also went lo and behold over a crazy deeps necro build. I think it’s part of the game some builds being A. uber deepsie, other uber tanksie and B. knowing the game and items well, allows to make uber builds in all the classes to be honest.
Also, keep in mind, just like “meta” builds in e.g. poe, when something is released like falconer, it might be “OP” then in patches things are typically balanced, so dunno.

The fact there are build guides out there helping us make the builds work is a good thing I would have thought. And LE has always, been kinda “it’s not so hard” if you follow a build…

It’s not a bug I dont’ think, LE for every patch, and as has say poe, every league/path has tons of things which become a thing or become obsoleted, sometimes intetionally , other times unintentionally.

By this logic, every time a super strong build is designed it’s gonna need nerfing? nah.
The game isn’t yet mature enough to become like “oh, we have to just make you grind forever” like other arpgs wink wink.

Take it for what it is. and a warlock as I say form yest, made the falconer guys go OMG, deesp wise ,)

You could be spreading yourself too thin. A warlock should double down on no more than two damage modifiers. I am a bit of a noob myself but as a warlock, you shouldn’t find yourself falling behind.

They could have gotten the right unique to build behind., you could be trying to use TOO many uniques or varying damage affixes.

Dang. I was enjoying being with you on this journey but when someone just blames the game due to their own lack of insight, kind of tanks the thought process for me. No, the game is not the issue. Things are not clearly broken. You just need to progress and learn rather than blaming the game that you are not pew-pew-ing enough compared to your friend.

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I’m agree with OP. Falconer deal absurd amount of damage with his Falcon skills but I don’t think it’s a ‘bug’. The main culprit are Dive Bomb & Aerial Assault and how they can gain ridiculous amount of added damage, % increase damage, % more damage, Crit chance & Crit Multiplier quite easily. Each of them stacking exponentially. Is it broken ? I don’t know and I don’t really care either.

I’m a falconer main rn and I wholeheartedly believe the falcon, whom I’ve named Jeff, is broken as hell. Jeff deals so much damage right now at level 50 that I can just run nonstop through entire stages tapping dive bomb and his active skill and I don’t even need to slow down. I don’t have any killer uniques or amazing items, just scaling with my throwing damage and a few modifiers that boost that or minion damage. He’s clearing bosses in a handful of seconds and two shotting elites. It’s absolutely wild.

I’ve got 150 hours in the game and have played a bit of almost every mastery so I feel comfortable saying that Jeff is a bit of a problem.

He’s gonna be my bestie til they nerf him, though.

Especially through leveling, I had noted I was doing incredible damage on my Falconer. But once you hit end game/monoliths, the damage equals out pretty hard. Especially in corruption zones, I’m not dealing millions and millions of damage. And most of my damage is from myself now, the bird is really only good for bosses (doing a joint poison build with the bird).

But also… A lot of early leveling builds do a ton of damage. Campaign is easy.

Try do the same damage with on minion Beast Master

Yes, i agree with you.

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