Exiled Mage's rotating cold beam is faster than we can run, even in a tight circle

As far as I can tell, it’s completely unavoidable, and the best way to deal with it is to run through as fast as you can to take as little damage as possible (which is still rather a lot).

It feels bad. Please make it possible to avoid.

I’ve never had that issue. As long as you’re close to it, you can keep to his back and still attack at the same time. There are other “rotating attacks” in the game and the only that’s hard to keep up with is Rayeh’s, imo.


Umh… the rotation speed is so slow it can actually be avoided without movement speed on boots.

No it isn’t.

I agree, it’s not. Without movement speed you cannot outrun it, even in close. If you have enough movement speed it’s not as big an issue but with some of my toons I use other methods to avoid it. Either I stay out of it’s range while minions deal the dmg or I use a traversal skill.

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His mechanic is similar to fire lich. If your playing on wifi online there is a good chance he has fired his beam before you actually see it, so visually it appears he aim bots you.

You can test it with gaspard, when he does his spin, you can visually run inside his beams from the backside, because despite it being there on YOUR screen, it is actually not there.

Its a latency issue, the servers have a problem it seems to keep up the speed of what you see to what occurs in game. Same way there are very few one shots. Many one shots are not one shots but actually 2-5 hits at same time.

Game is unplayable in a serious matter for a lot of builds online with latency. Still seems imperfect offline. Game mechanics running like a ox cart with square wheels.

Hey there.
There must be something we don’t get here with your message @Felio .
The exiled mage’s Frost Beam ability is usually slow enough to allow walking around the mage and hitting him multiple times before you need to circle around him a second time (and you usually don’t need to do it a third time, as his ability stops).

So, unless you are talking about another opponent (the exiled mage is the mage that gets out of the occasional prisons you find during the game and that can drop items with experimental affixes), you should be able to outpace him with a tight enough circle. If you cannot outpace him, instant movement skills should be able to get you through it with no damage.
Is he under a modifier that increases its speed somehow, or a modifier that slows you down? Or maybe you are talking about the occasional situation where the mage walks to an edge, which makes it impossible to circle around him? Or maybe there’s a lag issue like is being suggested by someone else in the thread?

I just tried it without boots on, and there is no issue outrunning the beam if you move close enough to the mage.

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I agree, it’s too fast to be able to reliably outrun it. I shouldn’t have to be right on top of the mage to outrun the beam. This just feels like crap for ranged builds. I also just run through it to limit the damage it does because trying to outrun it consistently ends in me taking damage from it for 5+ seconds and dying. Part of the issue is also that the hit box sucks. It’s really frustrating to try and avoid a mechanic that isn’t where the game shows it to be.

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Information desync is an issue and should be fixed, so that’s a fair point.

As for the speed of the beam at the end of the circle, well, that’s just how circles work. The outer part of circle will always move faster than the inner part. If you make the outer part move slower so you can outrun it, the mage would be stuck in that skill for a full minute, which would just make him dead, so we might as well not have that skill at all.

If you go fight an exalted mage, you know that’s one of his attacks. So you either stay close so you can outrun, you stay further away so the beam doesn’t reach you, or you use a movement skill to evade/reposition. You have lots of options on how to deal with this.

You’re deliberately twisting my words. I didn’t say the end of the circle. I said you shouldn’t have to be right on top of the mage.

I personally just run through it. It doesn’t bother me doing this. I don’t really care if it’s changed. But if the intent is for players to avoid the beam, rather than run through it, then it definitely needs to move slower. It doesn’t need to be slowed down much to make it more feasible to outrun it. Maybe even just fixing the hitbox will solve the problem. But I don’t bother trying to outrun it any more because I tried that enough times to figure out that the optimal solution is to just run through it because it’s almost impossible to screw that up.

It is usually not too deadly if you just briefly touch it, so what you can do at long distances is deliberately run towards it and keep running through it with high speed, this will lead to only a few ticks of damage, which should not be lethal.

No, nothing deliberate about it. If I misread it and made you feel that way, I apologize. It was an honest comment.

This test implies that if you have boots on (like everyone does) then it also shouldn’t be an issue outrunning the beam further away. In fact, if you have sufficient speed, you should even be able to outrun it at the edge, though I don’t think that’s reasonable to expect.

I don’t know if the issue is really the hitbox or just information desync. Your game is drawing the beam at a certain point but in the server it’s already a little further ahead and the information hasn’t reached your computer yet.
Either way, that should be fixed or improved upon.

The rotation of this power is quite long. You should be able to move in, outrun it once, do a few actions, outrun it a second time, move out and be at long range. It’s not even a disadvantage for ranged characters, as you never need to be in a vulnerable position against him.
If you don’t like that solution, you can move further away from the mage, as the beam’s range is limited.
You can also use an instant-move skill to get through the beam unharmed.

All that being said, sometimes the mage does move to an edge, so the beam shouldn’t be slowed, as brute-forcing it needs to be possible for characters without an instant-move skill (for example, if you use Shield Rush as your movement skill).

It doesn’t. It only implies that the complaint that the beam moves too fast to be outrun isn’t the right way of framing the issue. After the last complaint, it seems to me more that the players don’t want the monster’s attack pattern to require moving close to it.


You don’t need to be. The beam does a full circle commonly. Hence you got 2 options.

A) Outrun it
B) Use a movement skill through it.

Since nigh every character (with few exceptions) have both options available it should be a cakewalk.
If you don’t have a movement skill available that’s another topic, but those classes commonly have decent defensive abilities to survive moving through - rather then with - the beam.

The most dangerous part is the start of the beam, getting hit before it starts to move as it stays the longest at the starting point.

Which can be brought back that visibility of it is rather garbage in some areas and definitely needs a rework.

Also to take it into consideration… the further away from the mage the less time you’ll be exposed to the beam (as it moves faster on the outside obviously) and hence pose less danger in that area. So the choice of where you position yourself has always ups and downs provided and allows always to solve it in some case unless the darn mage hugs a wall.