Evade looks clunky

Not sure if this is new i havent played since launch. I don’t remember evade being like this and clunky as all hell. Its like my character has FPS issues during the evade, But everything else is fine ? Hoping its a fix somewhere, this feels extremely disgusting if theres not and the devs have just ignored it.

Video Link Below

Evade Video

afaik they worked on the evade responsiveness and what it looks like. Most likely it’s a bit better now but still clunky :slight_smile: .

Looks like they really under worked it lol.

minumum viable product or whatever the saying is in english ^^.,

Luckily a loooot above that but definitely needs a little bit of work animation wise still to make it feel more responsive.

It’s ‘not bad’ though, could be massively worse ^^

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yeah looks its ok - But still such a small thing now days in games like this. How cant they get it right? its a basic movement. Should be 100% smooth. Plus the games been out for how long

Could be loads of reasons. Other stuff being higher priority (they got some serious need to get 1.2 right after all), maybe could be actually the fault of the Unity engine, it’s known to be a bit of a messy one related to animations. And loads more being the cause.

And well, the evasion roll is not basic movement, GGG had the same issue with PoE 2 actually, they had to do a few things related to acceleration/decceleration to make it look properly, linear movement seems simply to feel ‘odd’ for such sudden things as well, might be possible to be that too perception wise.

I’d say Poe2 does it best right now and I’m okay with the Poe2. If I’m okay with PoEs approach I can’t be very happy with LE :slight_smile: . I just have higher hopes for LEs dodge but my expections aren’t met. Maybe I want to much but I guess if people are happy with it so be it because if to many people are okay with it I have to get used to it because there will be no change if a lot of people are happy. It’s most likely just a me issue after all :smiley: .