Evade / dodge roll as an ability + share cd with traversal skills

For example dodge roll can have generally less cooldown than most unspecced movement skills, and be 0-cost, and it is available to every specialization, even those lacking a good baseline non-target movement. As a tradeoff, it has less range and no synergy.

Well, now that I think about it, if they just buff some movement skills, for example remove target requirement from Sentinel’s Lunge, etc, then dodge roll is not needed at all.

I don’t have it in me to empathize with entitled whiners. Sorry.

lol, what? No. If you genuinely think “high level of mechanical skills” and “fast reactions” are accurate descriptions of what LE requires to beat its bosses, I think I figured out why walking out of big glowing circles is too much for you - you’re just plain old fashioned slow. That sucks, but it’s not a game design problem.

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Plenty of games have dodge rolls and are not souls like. I don’t see it as an issue.

I do not. I’m saying that if dash + movement skill is in the game, the boss desing will slowly shift towards that. Right now most bosses are easy (except T4 Julra).

Ah true.

So we will lose one skill slot right?

Yep. Same as it is now.
But if they make an extra slot that can only have a traversal skill it would be fine as well, but can slightly break balance, for example Void Cleave can be a traversal skill that doubles as a significant source of damage.


if it is like that, I would like to move my traversal skill (ex : shift) to new slot, and I can add another skill.

disagree, since it is a human action not a skill-based method. Just kidding, I say let’s wait for it comes and see how that goes.

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Liked your thought, then read the discussion and hate, etc.

-I am very glad there will be a dodge but on the other hand, most the traversal skills I use already don’t work as is. So… I guess I’m a bit sacred? Fort eff sake, I can’t flame rush anywhere and have that actually work 70% of the time so how is this new dodge mechanic going to be better?

I really hope.

A LOT of hope.

How about no. Let’s NOT do a Dodge Roll.


What happens when people go play candy crush? Oh right, dead game. This becomes abandonware when all 500 hardcore players are all thats left.

TIL: Only the 500 people in LE who are “hardcore” players are capable of walking out of big red circles.



The whole point of an ARPG is to be able to get such good gear that you don’t need ‘Git Gud’ tryhard level of reflexes. They’re a power fantasy. Why do you all want to change the genre from that?

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Your idea of what “the whole point of an ARPG” is exists only in your head. Sorry.

If you - or anyone else - see any of the highly telegraphed boss attacks in this game as needing “tryhard level of reflexes” then I hope you’re not operating a motor vehicle with any regularity because the amount of molasses in your skull makes you a danger to everyone else on the road. That’s how slow and obvious all of these things you keep stamping your feet about are - if you can’t avoid them, you shouldn’t even be driving.

Why do you want every game to be exactly the same forever just because it shares a genre or similarities with other games that came before it? Playing the same game over and over with different colors on the screen is boring and lame. If you’ve already got games that cater to your made up “muh power fantasy where I close my eyes, mash buttons, and still win” idea, go play those. The rest of us will enjoy this game in peace.

No, it’s not in my head. It’s pretty much been every ARPG until PoE. Which then started getting away from the Loot and started with Crafting. Which by the way, I’m OK with. In fact, I rather like Last Epoch’s version over the overly complex Path of Exile. Because Loot still matters.

And why is changing every game into Dark Souls somehow better, but not wanting a game to be Dark Souls is suddenly bad and evil and means that you can start insulting a Last Epoch customer. I’m sorry, are you a developer? No?

I have Dark Souls, actually I have all the Dark Souls. And a few variants. I enjoy them. I want an ARPG to be BE an ARPG. If I wanted one that cribs from Dark Souls, there’s No Rest for The Wicked. Or the console version of Diablo 3. You want to turn LE into D3?

I don’t. Last Epoch also has enough traversal tricks, it doesn’t need another.

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Haha, so true

I’m sorry, did you just say that D3 is souls-like? I would say you lost all credibility for your argument there.

Bosses having very long telegraphs (no need for fast reflexes in LE, as opposed to PoE) doesn’t make it a souls game. Far from it. In fact, if you compare LE to No Rest, which you mentioned, you’ll find a much much much higher difficulty, as you should because that one really is intending to be a souls-like.

If, to you, having to actually move in the fight (again, for emphasis, with long warning times) means it’s a souls-like, then I guess games like Resident Evil or Prince of Persia (among many many others) are also souls-like because they have QTE events.

Personally I think bosses are much more fun when you can’t simply gear up and then beat them up while watching a video on a second monitor because you can’t die and you don’t really need to watch the fight.
There are also plenty of players that agree with this and like bosses how they are.
If EHG changed bosses away from mechanical fights, they would become extremely boring.

There are already lots of games that let you play with a blindfold. LE doesn’t need to be another one.


yes, of course if the dodge will get stucked in the stairs and in every slightest inclined place as the flame rush, well, i really don’t think that they can make such an error, instead i assume they will fix all this issues with also the traversal in the 1.1… i hope

I remember in D3 Belial was the only boss that I had to pay attention to, specifically in the second phase. That was the only exciting boss from D3.

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