Eterra Monthly: November 2024 Edition

what is the release date ?

This post would be much more interesting if it had a cracked pie recipe… oh wait, it does!


It was posted in the notes above:
“A launch date for Season 2 is still in discussion but a date reveal should be on its way very soon.”

It feels like the amount of ward is obnoxiously large on Harbingers specifically, maybe something to adjust as well.


Hallelujah, this will probably open up 3-4 stash tabs and I can start picking up Arena, Bastion and Arbor keys again.

That’s a great way to summarize the leaks, a lot of people have complained about not being able to sit through the entire stream/VODs. Maybe making it a seperate post would also help visibility.

Didn’t really need attention and there’s plenty of other skills and nodes that actually need attention… but too late for that now. Its sad to lose a solid utility skill (especially for melee) but I’m just hoping that this rework doesn’t brick the class as a whole.


Might try vengeance with my smite paladin with this change. I’m warpath now because of the fire damage. If I can get fire with vengeance than I can use Renegade’s Will 1h hammer and then Palarus in offhand. I was looking for alternatives to warpath that had fire nodes so this is cool.

Plus perma Dread Shade is huge. I have a golemancer as well.

We received a message from the future through the Epoch that you needed an awesome pie recipe. Who are we to deny the will of the Epoch?

The reason for the rework is that this skill ended up being too “mandatory” as it offered too much universal power from one skill. While it was a strong and desirable skill, it wasn’t necessarily healthy as the skill wasn’t being used as its own skill, but rather just for its passive damage bonuses, and the actual effect was often seen as a drawback. Of course, we realize that Sentinel was getting a lot of its power here, and have added back power to other skills and passives to accommodate this rework - we haven’t just taken away the power of old Volatile Reversal with nothing given back.


its pretty much been known by old head sentinels the skill was getting the bat. it was a good skill, but it was bad design space wise. take any VR dot build, which gets like what 180% inc dot taken if you hit with both portals? thats basically 2.8x damage, it meant if you were playing DoT sentinel you straight up were not real unless you used this skill. Now… ill be honest, how they will make sentinel playable without it for DoT is gonna be interesting. No one was out here clamoring about how op ignite/bleed sentinel were, despite having a nearly 3x damage button. or you know holy trail etc.

But they have essentially said for years at this point “VR is getting reworked to not just give big stat buffs”

They are doing it because reworking VR means reworking the entire Sentinel class, so its a big undertaking that is less about VR and more about sentinels damage scaling. it will be a bit less of a big deal for hit based sentinels who get about 1.6x damage from VR.

Well, guess I’m just not a fan of the idea of it going from a utility skill to some weird traversal damage dealing skill. There’s plenty of “mandatory” skills in other classes as well like Flame Ward and Death Seal.

For me though its been an invaluable skill for melee Sentinels helping to reposition and dodge projectiles while the speed boost nodes help closing in on ranged mobs.

I feel it would be better to focus the reworks on unused/ weak skills and nodes like for example the left side of Anomaly’s skill tree which hardly sees any use, Disintegrate which is sorely unbalanced in terms of damage and defence, Charged Puncture and Detonating arrow which feel horrible to play, Elemental Nova which is relegated only to Frost claw proc nowadays, Ghostflame which is mostly unusable since the nerfs(and even pre nerf was only used for the defense buffs), and many more.

I remember Lunge got reworked way back in the day and since that rework I actively avoid the skill which is fine since we have better movement skills like Void Cleave and Healing hands now.

It will still be quite a loss to them IMO, and Sentinels are just barely on par with other classes (IMO) and many would say they are even weaker. Of course its to be seen if the compensating buffs will make up for VR but I don’t think we’ll be getting a rollback if the rework fails so fingers crossed for the future of Sentinel.

Seeing as how they just reworked it this patch, if it already needs fixes, its doomed.

Well you said you used it to reposition, you will be able to do that easier now, as you can just blink to where you wanna go, then go back if you want to or let the combo time out. it still looks to have utility like moving around DO and probably a few other things.

I dont disagree with you that there is plenty of skills needing reworks, but for sentinel to get any meaningful changes for better or worse, VR needed to be changed. Flameward is id argue mandatory, but it does not strictly inhibit the balance of mages. because its a timed reactionary button you use to avoid big damage, you can play while its down. VR was a skill you just spammed every time you could because if you didnt, you did like 1/4th the damage. VR intended design was not getting used because it just had way to much damage stats connected to it. Right now Sentinel is a struggle design wise because they always have to balance everything in the context of “oh yeah sentinel has 60-180% extra damage multiplier floating around”

And frankly i cant wait for deathseal to get the bat, maybe lich will be able to feel distinct across its builds instead of “deliverance skill of the reaper/deathseal damage modifiers” builds.

Flame ward is less mandatory, you can live without it, its just a really good defensive button press like rebuke. while probably 90% of mages run it, it feels far less entangled in their design then VR or deathseal.

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I for on am glad to see these types of changes that help keep any skill from being “mandatory” from a technical perspective.

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Looks like a sentinel season… getting spicy! Love these posts, looking forward to the update.

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Thank you for your work Devs! Don’t listen to forum feedback too much, just follow your idea of a good arpg. You’re doing it your way and I really like this aproach even if it’s sometimes buggy and all… :vulcan_salute:

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What a useless post, first off all some info that is present every friday plus Aron is making sum up of it every weekend, then some joke about how to bake pies I mean WTF why do u waste your time writing that and ours skipping it than again some info abot live streams, then interview with a random guy completely unrelated of games future or what is coming up next. And the worst is that someone had to sit and write something so useless and its a long post wasted couple of hours if not a day for sure. Why dont you write about mating season of Mooses in Canada since it has more usefull info than complete post that u wrote. Keep fulling around but your game is dying and it makes me sad but it is what it is POE2 is gonna stumble realy badly

It’s nice having all of this in one place, not having to look up videos, etc. Esp the nodes

You do realize that not every body is catching up with all the info that is presented in the friday streams? They take a long time and not everrybody can or is willing to watch them. And having the company themselves suming that up in a short and concise way is great!

I don’t want to go to a 3rd party platform to get those information.

Also I really love the dev interviews!

Also EHG is not fulling around. 1.2 is in the making and seeing by those teasers there is a lot coming.


I don’t watch streams or VODs, so this is all new information to me and I’m grateful for the post.

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I finally have the itch to play LE but I feel like I should wait until Season 2 so it feels fresher. Hopefully the can find a good date with a couple of weeks buffer from POE1, POE2(unlikely to have any big updates in Q1 but who knows) and D4.

Awesome, looking forward to it!
Are you able to confirm if other new skills will be added to masteries lacking some? Given the focus on sentinel, would be nice to get an extra paladin skill and I vaguely remember Mike saying something about that in a stream.

The dodge bug has kept me from enjoing the game, good to see it fixed. Keep in mind, before making new nodes and potentially bricking more stuff we need to see old nodes made competitive and balanced with 1.2/1.3.

There are greater things to focus on, also i tend to agree that the pie part was not needed. Tell us what we came to read- LE stuff, aka balance, new bosses, items, gear etc.

Also, i think i can safely say no body really cares about the segment on the visual world designer. What players want is the final shipped product of what we see. Perhaps show us what he has been working on- SHOW NOT TELL. Individual people should also not be spotlighted, it is unfair towards other employees who probably also would want the attention. Keep employees to the back, and focus on the game. Thanks

Honestly, this is not enough. You can’t say in one month you’ve fixed 4 things. There is no way I can maintain hype for this game , y’all are just too slow.