Eterra Monthly: January 2025 Edition

Thank u so much I am truly blessed by your forgiveness and thank u to point me out that sometimes is better to tell the lie than tell the truth i was stubborn and I didn’t learned from my parents even though they wanted the best for me

Great work on the image of an Acolyte holding a ladle and stygian coal :smiley:

Also really like the teaser, can’t wait to see more.

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But you aren’t telling the truth … You are just complaining, being hyperbolic, and negative on purpose. Telling the truth may have looked like “I wish there was more info here” but instead you decided to be mean, insulting, and rude.

And after being called out on your unproductive comments, like;

You lash out in anger and pretend like people want you to lie…

Take a deep breath, everything’s going to be okay,


I haven’t had this issue in a long time but recently have been experiencing it. At first I thought it might be the map and the specific groups of mobs (a lot) together with all that I had going on, but it keeps happening in other areas too. I did open a ticket in game the first time.

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Woohoo ! Now we have an exact release date : april 2nd ! Can’t wait !! :smiley:

Thumbs up to EHG_Sam : thanks for sharing your experience


The best thing to do is submit tickets as often as you feel you can! There’s never too many when it comes to bugs :blush:


Already seeing Last Epoch talk popping up across the various ARPG creators - really excited for Season 2 and I hope it goes viral. Crossing my fingers for EHG!! I may have posted the YouTube video in the POE discord a few times to spread awareness for those who might be bored.

This teaser looked really slick too. They have obviously been cooking.


Being a twat is not “being honest”, it’s just being a twat.


Do you agree that abby is fair fight for melee? In my opinion it is not, especially if your dps is on the weak side. But that is just me.
I also dont like the way the bosses are designed too much souls like way in modern arpgs so you just cant outgear too much (assuming build isnt OP because poor balance), you need to have perfect timing, know 100% of the boss mechanics, cause if not you are just one shot nomatter what.
I also dont like inbalance in power of some mobs, Ive been posting about it but there wasnt many people supproting my rants, so maybe it is just me.

Thats just my 3 cents about boss/mobs desing in LE. Dont take this personally, I am not sure if I would play longer/more if bosses where just more on the loot boxes side of things. Looking at my experiances with GD and D2R, probably yes…


Loot lizzard tails!
I haven’t found a single one yet but still!

Inb4 they are nipple piercings. That’s a very likely possibility isn’t it :smiley:

I found a spider in my room, can you please come and put it outside so it can live? :')

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I don’t think this style of bosses is going away any time soon … Gamers spent well over a decade (maybe a couple decades) of RPG gaming outgearing bosses, and it got boring. Boss fights should be difficult, and require skill… Otherwise you are just standing there watching numbers move around the screen, braindead. The good news though, is that you can still go play all those games where you just outgear bosses, and some element of that still remains in ARPGs today, just less so than it used to.


Fighting Aberroth is difficult and a lot of fun. :+1:
I’m also looking forward to fighting the new pinnacle boss!

But is it ok when the pinnacle boss is 10x times harder to beat when playing melee or class with lack of dps? My experiance with abby is that I am running around for 5 minutes just waiting for a timeframe to dps him a little, rinse, repeat. Than in tle last 30% of the fight you dps him fast enough or die. Thats my “fun” with tanky low dps sentinels.
On the other hand, when you choose some meta build, you kill him in 60 sec. You call that situation fun and skill-dependant? Come on…
Of course you could always say its build issue :slight_smile:
Meh, I dont know, maybe I am a bit frustrated cause I choose to play the worst classes in the game? Or my reflexes in mid forties of my life are just not enought. IDK :smirk:


This is why at least for me harbingers are the best boss fights in the game so far.

Love fighting them. Havent gotten to abby yet. Stopped playing to finish up KCD1 (kingdom come deliverance) to get ready for KCD2 launching in a couple days feb 4th

Season 2 tho abby is going down

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Just because your melee build can’t beat abby doesn’t mean all melee builds have a hard time beating him… There are videos of 11second kills with Forge Guard (melee) of all classes. Maybe the most under powered class in the game until the last content update.

If there are builds killing abby in seconds, they just mitigate all this fight and should be nerfed to the ground. Because whats the point of the boss fight in that case? What I was saying was I like fair fight, fair experiance for ranged and melee, thats all. If build is so OP that can ignore all the mechanics of the fight it is not good example of fairness of this fight. Would you agree? :smirk:


Sorry but that was thanks to a bug

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Holy smokes! Never would have thought my build would make it onto the community spotlight. Really love the acolyte with the ladle and stygian coal in hand. Looks great!

Thank you for featuring it. I hope some people check it out and have as good a time with it as I did.


No what you said was;

And that’s what I responded to.

The first… no.
The second… obviously? :stuck_out_tongue:

Your goal in the game is to get builds to a comfortable amount of offense and defense. Cheesing mechanics is another topic, but that’s the core of it.

If you’re extremely tanky then focus more on damage… if you got too little defense but good damage… then focus more on defense.

Yes, but that also has nothing to do with low-dps. Some melee builds have very high dps, some ranged builds have low dps.
Melee overall needs more DPS given they have a in-built downside of the range disadvantage, as well as needing to be more tanky given that they have to approach rather then solely avoid.

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