Estimated time for patch 0.8

Yeah we know the date I am talking about exact time.

Just a patch ago we didnt even get the day. Let em ease into it!

But why do you want to know the exact time? Is there a league/season/etc for you to race through & gain e-peen points for being “first”? What if they’re late?

I know you’re (justifiably) excited & eager to get your hands on the Rogue, DW & Bows/Daggers, but, chill!


I want to play with dual blades and I wish to know when exactly I would be able to do it, that’s it.


Just tell yourself Sunday the 6th 12:00:00 a.m.your local time it will be available and it will be.

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I told my wife to be absolutely not available for anything on Friday night as of 8pm… so EHG please note! :smiley:

I am trying to manage my schedule and personal life too but its hard when you don’t know the time of release. When I ask my wife about few hours off I need to be prepared at 101%.


You already know the day, it’s in that 24h span, do whatever you need to do before any of those 24 hours. -_-

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Because some people work 50 hours a week and also live in Australia where ‘Friday’ is actually ‘Saturday’ so exampple when Path of Exiles new league releases on a ‘Friday’ its actually 4am on a Saturday, so actually knowing when a patch will drop isn’t asking a huge amount, anyone who basically ‘defends’ the fact we shouldn’t get to know until it randomly drops just shows time is meaningless for you


Yo dude knowing when the patch will drop would be really nice for some people. Some of us really do not have very much free time so the little we have we would like to spend playing a game. If any devs have any inside info on when its being deployed just a quick message here would make our days for alot of ppl like myself who have little precious free time to spend playing the game they enjoy.


i’d say it’s a safe bet that EHG themselves don’t know the exact hour the patch will be available. there are a lot of variables that could affect that, so rather than promising a specific time and putting undue strain on the devs (who i’m sure are already in crunch mode), or potentially disappointing fans by missing a publicly stated time, they are giving themselves a window to shoot for.

with the knowledge that the studio is based in the US, and being that i don’t know which state/time zone they’re in, i would consider “december 4th” to be any time from 12am PST on december 4th to 3am EST on december 5th. that covers the entire day in all time zones. we can further narrow it down to probably within the workday, so between 8am and 5pm in whatever timezone they’re in.

it sucks for people who need to manage their time so strictly, but i think it’s asking a bit much for them to have a specific time to announce. obviously they would have if they had one yet. we all want to get our hands on the new content ASAP, but i honestly think people are spoiled by GGG’s habit of announcing the exact minute of their patch releases (and announcing the announcement and the announcement of the announcement). this is a small dev team working their asses off to deliver more of the game we all love. give them a little slack.

maybe as the time draws closer, they’ll have more loose ends tied up and can give us a more precise window for the release.

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True words - fully agreed!

But the OP was just asking for a time (due to reasonable circumstances) - not demanding it.

…and heaven help us if the patch has not been released on 8pm CET :slight_smile:

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I really do understand the frustration of patches/updates coming out after you’ve gone to sleep (which is a frequent occurrence for me being in the UK & a lot of the patches being released on a more US-centric timeframe & then I have a good 8 hours of conversations to catch up on.

I’m sure that if the devs had any clue about when it would be released, they’d likely share it.

I’m not sure I’d go that far, they’re likely balls to the wall doing stuff at the moment.

It’s better than a datetime who not will come what waiting for :innocent:

I dont understand why people are mad about you asking this. I took vacation time from work for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to farm crafting material then ultimately play when the patch comes.

Not everyone gets weekends off, and for those of us who work full time. We tend to schedule our off time or our willingness to stay up extremely late on a worknight based on what info we receive. If there is a rough ETA of patch drop there is 0 harm in asking this question. If the Devs do not have an ETA time, no one is going to be mad. At the end of the day we are all here for the love of the game.

Hoping we get a rough ETA for the steam patch so I can see if I need to pull an all night shift lol.

Hope all is well everyone! :slight_smile:

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Well, let’s look at previous patch times and see if we can find a pattern (all times are EST):

  • 0.7.10 - 12:00pm
  • 0.7.9 - 4:00pm
  • 0.7.8 - 1:00pm
  • 0.7.7 - 3:30pm
  • 0.7.6 - 3:45pm
  • 0.7.5 - 1:15pm
  • 0.7.4 - 12:00pm

So for the past year all patches have released between 12:00-4:00pm EST. I’m not saying it’s a certainty, but it seems fairly likely that the upcoming patch will release sometime during this time-frame.

And if it releases after 4:00pm…than history has failed us. :crazy_face:


for a small team it will not be possible at all to predict the exact time. So many things can be unpredictable and go wrong.

Soon TM

“I say, Captain, do you hear something?”

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