Enemy Collision is Maddening

Ok, let me start by saying I am not bashing the game. I am enjoying the hell out of the game. BUT this has been driving me insane, mostly because I don’t see anyone else talking about it, which makes me feel like its just me, but there’s just no way.

What’s going on with the insanely inconsistent enemy collision? 60% of the mobs have no collision, which, IMO is how ARPGs mob collision should be, due to the mob density and nature of the genre. 20% of the mobs have normal collision, more or less matching their model size, which while annoying, at least feels normal. The problem here is the other 20%. The other 20% have collision boxes 4-5x larger than their actual model (not talking about bosses, just normal, basic enemies). What makes this more frustrating is that the hit boxes on those mobs seem to be smaller than the collision, so when playing melee builds, particularly ones that rely on Mana Strike (thats just the one I use the most, so most familiar with it’s limitations), it’s very easy to just die because you cant get in range to hit the mob to generate mana, or the wiggle room to do so is a few pixels at best.

But, what REALLY makes this problem infinitely worse, is that the character pathfinding seems to be nearly non-existent. In most games, or so has been my experience, if a character tries to path through an enemy’s collision box, the character will find the next available path around it, or it will just stop all movement when reaching the collision box. While one of those options is far better, at least they both provide appropriate feedback. But LE seems to have neither of those. When trying to path through mobs with these abnormally large collision boxes, your character just continues running as normal, directly into them, and SLUGGISHLY tries to push through them, ultimately just waiting for a crack in the collision to push through, all the while the group surrounds you, creating a wall that requires movement abilities to get out of.

Maybe the sluggish collision is intended, who knows. But I have to imagine the insanely large collision boxes on only SOME of the mobs in the game is not. But the two of those issues together create an insanely awful experience, particularly when going through any void area/enemies, as these seem to be the main culprits.

Just wanted to bring this up because it’s driving me insane that I haven’t seen anyone else talk about this at all.


The highlighted part is the reason for the second quote, nobody plays melee.
That being said, the problem with collisions is super bad, there are some mobs, like cultists and some of the bugs specifically, that have these huge collision boxes.
I would like to ask the developers to fix this, even though it only affects melee builds, which nobody plays.
I have some guesses as to why it might be a problem, the ranged mobs might get bunched up or something like that if collision box is reduced. If this is the case, it would require them to have separate collision boxes for player and each other, or some other solution, which would be a pain to implement. But if it is just an oversight and the number should be lower, and it won’t break anything, please for the love of God, fix it.

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This problem painfully apparent when playing minions as well. I played a perm-minion build which was around 16-18 minions. Non-twinned golems will literally get stuck for a few seconds trying to run through the skeletons.

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460 hours into this game and I’ve never even thought about “enemy collision” one time… Not sure this is a real issue…

Have you tried a build based on a melee attack that uses weapon range?
This is a real issue for those builds.

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So far I’ve played multiple builds which are based on a melee attack which uses weapon range. None of them had any problems with this, so I think it’s more accurate to say this is an issue for builds that:

  1. Are based around a melee attack.
  2. Use Weapon Range based abilities.
  3. Do not have an effective movement ability as part of their chosen skills.
  4. Do not have significant AOE clear speed and are not ok with just killing whatever is around them.

Under those circumstances I could see it indeed being a real problem. I have noticed it, with my melee builds, that sometimes collision is wonky. But I also always pack a movement skill and I am always 100% ok with just killing the enemies in front of me to clear the way, so for me so far it hasn’t been a problem.

I’m ok with seeing this fixed of course but it’s not something which imho has to be a problem, or thus in my eyes is a high priority to see fixed.

My main character is a Werebear… So yes, majority of my 460 hours playtime is a strict melee build lmao…

Most of my alts are also melee builds. Seriously, I’ve never had any issue with this… I think it may be specific to certain personalities… or maybe builds… But I’ve literately never even thought about this before. I happily wreck everything with my melee builds and just keep on truckin…

Nobody saying hi and giving a wave. :wave:t2:

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There’s also the problem with some bosses or large characters having a small hitbox for some reason.
You attack it with melee and your character wanders off to buy milk at the store and comes back with cheeto stained armor to…miss the attack cause it’s still not in range somehow.

There is an option under ‘Gameplay’ :move to melee attack enemies that are out of range.
It helps somewhat but not accurately all the time.
On a side note, it’s nice to know some others are trying to melee as well. I’d salute you all but we’re probably out of range haha.

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Turning off “Move into melee attack range” has been a game changer in terms QoL for melee characters in my experience as well.

Ever played a dagger build like Jelkor’s? Daggers SUCK.