Enemies become invulnerable or loose ability to take damage

Enemies become invulnerable or loose ability to take damage during my 100 corruption rive/healing hands runs. Logging out removes this bug only temporarily. It returns after 2-3 monos.

Game is basically unplayable, needing to log out and restart every few minutes or so.

Please help me?!? Is there a workaround?

P.S. verifying files does not help

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same here! For me the reason to stop playing LE.

As i read @ reddit etc., the bug is known since the early access. Frustrating, that there is no solution yet.

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Happened again tonight after about 5 monos. Also posted on Reddit. I will happily test any solution anyone can suggest. EHG maybe? Please. :sob:

happened to me last night and just now in temporal sanctum.

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