Endurance makes no sense mathematically

This is a very narrow topic. While endurance itself is an okay idea for an extra layer of EHP, the numbers simply don’t work out.

Even at cap % an endurance threshold affix gives less EHP than a pure life roll.

armor, resists etc aside, 100 threshold provide 150 EHP at 60% endurance.

It takes 250 damage at 40% effectiveness to remove 100 hp. Those 100 hp are already there, so the 100 threshold only upgrades them into “better” hp.

That leaves us at a 1.5 rate for threshold (at 60% which doesn’t come for free either), which would 1:1 be better than health if not for % health on our gear, which can easily provide a better rate per point of pure hp.

I don’t have an impromptu solution, but maybe make 60% baseline and let us go beyond that with items or triple those threshold affixes.

On helmets for example, t5 threshold and life are identical at 56-75, while at t7 threshold goes slightly higher, but not near high enough to be better.

Am I missing something?

I want to preface this by saying that I think it is always good to have discussions around certain stats or how “viable” they are.

Endurance has been buffed slightly in the past and I think I might needs another small push.
But I don’t think it is as bad as you thin kit is.

I think you are missing the fact, that HP protected by endurance just has an enoumous 60% DR layer, which makes healing, hp regen, leech, hp on hit etc. Basically any kind of sustain waaaaaaaaaaay better.

It is true that pure HP always gives you better eHP against oneshots, but they don’t necessarily make you “tankier” in pratice. Because sustain is a huge part of how tanky a build is in pratice.

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This is a good point, but which do you think happens more frequently?

getting one-shot
leeching/healing/regenerating while within endurance range?

It’s true that all of those are buffed while within endurance range, but I feel that in practice you’re either way above this range or dead. Sometimes you barely survive a big hit, but I don’t think endurance is a big factor in leeching back to full.

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It depends on the build but both happen frequently.

Most monster packs, even the ones with telegraphs are often not a singular mob, but multiple mobs.
Also a lot of telegraphs don#t just do one instance of damage, but rather multiple damage ticks or DoT.

What many people mean when they got “one-shotted” very very often actually isn’t one single instance of damage, but rather multiple instances that happened in a very short time frame.

For these situation having a good amount of sustain going can avoid dying.

I think for a Health Build pure health will always be beter on most affix slots, but there are some builds that can make very good use of endurance. Endurance will not compete with Byhrid Health or % Health, but I think it does compete quite well with regular flat health.

Could you elaborate on that kind of build? Can’t be ward, so which build do you mean? Honest question :wink:

This one, for example:

While it has some health affixes in a couple of legendaries, you’ll notice that all the exalteds have endurance affixes instead.

Most noteably Death Seal Lich using Deadlock, which puts you at 33% Health.

Having 33% of oyur total HP pool covered with endurance threshold makes you much tankier than a bigger hp pool, because essentially you are only using 1/3 of your HP.
You want to scale up HP and endurance equally to kleep endurance thresholf at 33%

I also played Beast Master builds with squsihy minions like Storm Crows and Baby Scorpions. For that Endurance + Maelstrom Sustain is better than maximum health.

There are also other low health builds, that want to stay low health, but still be tanky.


Funny you link this. Check my profile. I have come to the conclusion that I’d be better off with health than endurance threshold affixes despite being at 60% kinda automatically :wink:

We have already discussed improvements on the boss killing setup of this guide in here so don’t automatically assume that choices are optimal just because they are on youtube.

I didn’t assume they were optimal because they are on youtube, I assumed they were optimal because I actually watch quite a few videos from him and they’re usually pretty well thought out and explained.

To be fair, it will also depend on your objective. Having a lower health and higher endurance is better for clearing echoes, while going all in on health is better for bosses. This is because on echoes you usually take a lot more low damage hits, in which case low health/high endurance is better for leech, but on bosses you usually take less hits but with higher damage.

To be fair, those exalteds have Endurance Threshold affixes rather than Endurance. There is a significant difference there. The ET affix goes a long way though if you have enough.

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And I didn’t mean to disrespect Mattjestic, I have religiously watched all the guide videos on this build when they came out, the latest being this.

It’s only now that I have progressed this far that I can start tinkering with optimizations. I can’t say I know better but I honestly don’t see the point in the endurance threshold affixes. I get a lot more EHP out of regular health and % health affixes - against one-shots at least.

You have a point here, the same was made by Heavy and I would be interested in actual calculations for I agree with the basic sentiment but I don’t think the numbers are close enough.

@Travoas yes we’re talking about endurance threshold vs flat health in the context of already being at 60% endurance effectiveness. Heavy has listed a few specific builds, in which ET is arguably stronger, but it’s still open for debate outside those niches.

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