Ending the storm monolith

I dont know if bug or not but i did so many empowered runs
and i never got Might of the sea titan blessing .im bored and pissed of running this shit.WTF

Not sure on the % chances but are you sure this is just not the RNGods messing with you?

I know the Blessing exists and can be obtained as I have received it before so unless you have something that the devs can test against I’d probably bet that its RNG… It took me over 400 mono runs just to get a Bastion of Honour shield so I understand your frustration but it could just be that you are unlucky.

If it takes 400 runs to get 1 blessing than its a failed sistem and should be reworked

How many times have you completed the specfic timeline?
(not number of mono islands you did to build up stability - the number of whole runs to get to the blessing choice each time)…

Maybe there is something off regarding the randomisation of blessings but its impossible to tell without data…

In the past, the devs have been very thorough with investigating issues like this - to the point where they have tested randomisation with things like crafting into the billions of individual tests… So its important to try and give them something to work from that is as objective as possible…

I’ve done 15-20 lagon fights.its the only one that i want and ofc didnt get it.not to mention that there are others wich u cannot get from normal afix , like shred lughtning res wich i get almoast every time.why is cold damage so rare - if this is the case…

It has a 2 in 10 chance of appearing in blessing slots 2 & 3 (plus a 1 in 13 chance of appearing in slots 4 & 5). Assuming you’re doing normal (which I know you’re not but it makes the maths easier & my stats has never been particularly good), not getting it in 15 attempts would have a probability of ~3.5% which is pretty unlucky. You’d have a slightly higher chance of getting it in empowered & if my maths isn’t too off, you’d have a ~1.1% chance of not getting it in 15 empowered runs.

RNG just sucks sometimes.

I did 3 more lagon fights and got it.it was at over 200 corruption if that matters in any way

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