Endgame leveling feels too long

Today I’ve grinded like half of a day and get lvl 74 and got a feeling that endgame leveling turned out to be very time-consuming comparison to below ~70lvl gameplay. I agree that the more level you are the more exp you need to get next level but I found it arguable that you must to waste so much time for it. The current level progression curve seems not smooth enough for me. The fact that for now from all player only ~5 got level 100 speaks for itself. I think it’s frustrated and hilarious at the same time.
Clarifying example: levelling from 10lvl to 20lvl, or from 50 to 60 felt just right enough to don’t get bored from grinding. I assume that is it should always feels that way. What’s the reason to make players like me to potentially drop the game because I’ve stopped feeling myself progressing at all?
I’ve enjoyed LE gameplay and dynamic until I faced that fact. And I would continue enjoy the gameplay but only if the progression dynamic stayed the same in the endgame.

I was thinking about a possible solution:
Smooth the leveling curve so the players of higher levels should waste slightly more time to get from their x lvl to x+1 lvl comparison to lowlvl players (campaign is actually provides very dynamic character progression IMO). The key word here is slightly.
What could it leads to: max player level cap will break through the ceiling. And I find it absolutely fun and right and good for enjoyable gameplay because:

  1. It’s fun and meaningful to evolve and feel your character becomes more and more powerful. For me It’s important to not to lost that feeling.
  2. For each playable character LE provides 2 completed skill trees and 2 halved trees. They are a lot of skills to waste your points but no way to get those skillpoints. Surely you don’t want and need to get all available skills from trees but the current 115 skillpoints you can get from 100lvl and 15 from quests seems too few comparison to total skill count you possibly could learn.

Instead of feeling yourself progressing throughout all game stages you are trapped behind a character “build” which may justify why the game with so many skill trees to progress with doesn’t afford any average player to actually learn at least most part of them.
If that’s all truly about ‘character building’ restrictions, then I should say that I respect the players who enjoys ‘building’ their character but the fact is that the players who enjoys it will lose nothing if proposed solution becomes real, but right now the players like me lose a lot because the problem is relevant. And the devs lose such players even if the fix for this comes.

For some reason people see level 100 as a huge milestone, an achivement by itself that shouldn’t be easy to reach. I don’t get it max level is nothing super special in games outside of PoE and old dated games from decades ago. It’s just artificaly made the way it is for whatever reason I don’t understand or think is well thought through and reasonable. The grind from 90-100 is a slog.

Then again level 100 happens when you play the game anyway at least if you want to minmax your toon a bit and try to push corruption.


Especially since there is no exp penalty for dying!

No I realy have no idea why this is so special for a lot of people. It’s just the end of char progression in on place and you have even less to work on.

Instead of a “That’s lvl 100! You did after you sloged your way through the last levels we made harder to earn no you are done!” I wish there was a faster way to level 100 and new ways and trees to make us use points to have kore trees for fun stuff. Heck I would even take a after 100 progression system to maipulate numbers of what shrines are spawning to get even more bees or whatever. I would take a Monolith passive tree that let me manipulate numbers like mob density or drop rates or more chances to find certain mono rewards instead of others.

Getting lvl 100 isn’t something special it’s just the end of the line and nothing special to strife for that should be earned with even more work because of philosophical reasons. I hope LE will get away from making the last 10-15 levels so much of a slog and add some fun little investment possibilities to monolith, arena and dungeons in three seperate skilltrees to get some after level 100 progression.

Sorry I think I mixed up so many things here and just rambled away ^^.


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