Endgame Beginner Questions

Hey everyone, hope you are having a great day, thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my questions. I have gotten to endgame recently and am not sure how to best proceed past the point where I’m currently at.

  1. I’m level 83, and I just unlocked the 100 corruption thing. I’m close to doing the Orobyss thing and then I get more corruption I think. I’m not totally sure how this system works or what the best approach is for leveling my character. Do I just keep going up in corruption until I reach a sweet spot where my build can survive and clear well?
  2. What is the best way to research unique/set items for my build? I’ve seen a lot dropping but none seem good so far. I have no idea how the ‘legendary potential’ stuff works either.
  3. What else should I be doing to try and min-max my character doing the solo self found thing? I haven’t done too much prophecy stuff lately I should probably get back into that.
  4. I’d like to beat the ‘pinnacle boss’ and all the other boss encounters. I don’t even know where these come in or how they work yet.
  5. Anything else I’m missing? I’d love to try out other classes/masteries as well. Can I share items across characters locally?
  6. Random unrelated question: My favorite skill from PoE was storm brand - is there an LE equivalent, from any class or mastery? The closest I can find would probably be the static discharge…

Short answer is yes, long answer is that you might want to focus on the timelines that give you good bonuses (the right path ones and two of the top ones) because doing those bosses at empowered monos will give you an advanced version of the blessings you currently have. So you might want to rush those bosses to get a better blessings base before starting to push corruption.
It should also be noted that higher corruption gives you more blessings choices (you start with 3 choices, as you advance you can have 5 choices at once), which can help get the blessings you want.

Set items are kinda weak right now (will be improved at some point) and only a few are worth using for some specific cases. They will be easy to get once you advance to the CoF rank that drops the whole set. At that point, any echo that gives a set piece will give the whole set, lizards will often drop whole sets, etc. You’ll soon have them all.

Unique farming, since I assume you’re still offline, is better done via prophecies, unless they’re boss-specific uniques. With prophecies, the key is quantity. You want a lot of that item type to drop so you have a better chance of getting the one you want.

LP is what I mentioned before: when you have an item with LP, you can run Temporal Sanctum and then slam it with an exalted item. The exalted has to have 4 affixes (sealed affixes don’t matter and are ignored). When you slam an exalted with a, for example, 2LP unique, 2 of the exalted item’s affixes are randomly transferred to the unique. So you end up with a legendary item that is the same as the unique you had but it has 2 extra affixes.
The level stays the same, so you can use this to make twink gear for leveling. Pick up a 3LP low level unique and slam 3 really strong affixes and you can rush new characters through the campaign really fast.

Yeah, prophecies are useful for finding better gear because you need a lot of quantity to get decent results. Also, spending favor also increased your faction reputation, and you want to climb the ranks since CoF rank rewards are pretty juicy.

You just need to follow the quest. Basically, you’ll have to beat a harbinger at corruption 100, then 125, then 150, etc, until you’ve beaten all 10. It’s one per timeline, so it’s a good idea to leave easier bosses for last, since the harbingers inherit some of the boss abilities.
For example, Lagon and the Fire Shamans are among the hardest, so it’s a good idea to do them sooner rather than later, since higher corruption means it will be much harder to do.

On a sidenote, you can simply avoid all harbingers and Aberroth altogether if you want. When you go fight a mono boss you’ll get an option to summon the harbinger or not and you can turn it off and fight only the boss. This is sometimes also useful when you have prophecies for that boss, since the prophecies will drop when the boss dies but you won’t have time to pick them up before the harbinger is all over you.

I already answered this to you on your other thread:

Not really. There aren’t many things in LE that attach to the enemy. There’s spirit plague, but that’s poison-based. It’s closer to GD’s Bloody Pox than PoE’s brands.
Even though storm brand doesn’t attach, you can look into a spark lightning build. Probably the closest you’ll get to it in LE for now.

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Thanks. I think I’ll try and start another character and work on a few at a time while I learn the game.


There’s also Infernal Shade (by default), Dread Shade (with a specific node) & Explosive Trap (also with a node). And Bone Curse. Probably a few others, but yeah, not many.

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You can use lastepochtool.com to search for Uniques with certain characteristics/capabilities and you can use the build planner off of that (https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/) to put a build together and see how it works.


I read that entirely wrong (I read it as searching for them in the game :stuck_out_tongue:). Thanks for pointing that out.