End game feels like hardcore mode - one shot mechanics

Awesome, so I’d be able to take my 2h melee Rogue with white gear & no selected skills into a 1k corruption mono & steamroll everything?!

While he was (I believe) being ironic, there HAVE been games that “punish” your game skill, by increasing the difficulty dynamically based on how well you are doing. And, on the other hand, lowering the same difficulty if you play badly enough. So a good player purposefully playing badly enough will have an easier time in the game than a good player playing normally.

Yup, Hades has an option for that, everytime you die the game gets a bit easier.

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This is why I always allow my 3 year-old son to play the first 3 levels of a game for me… just in case… so I can get the difficulty set lower for the rest. And people say little children don’t have a purpose… HA!

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Brother in Christ, we have literally an option to choose what content difficulty to run - if you feel like Empowered is too hard (which shouldn’t be the case for most builds, as people enter them not even hitting level 80, sometimes not even 70) - you go and grind those regular ones that can probably be done by my Parkinson’s-riddled grandma who is pushing 95 years right now. Loot quantity might lack there but it sure as hell is possible to pick your own poison.

I’d be very disappointed if after presenting me with a challenge game decided to just flop and give me loot for little to no effort or participation, just because I was there. Not being hit by telegraphed attacks is part of it, learning how certain things work is a part of it. Games have always been about solving that puzzle for me and certain ARPGs scratch that itch perfectly.

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mate, I am talking to someone complaining about getting one shot in what is likely lower content(who blames the game instead of the build), talking about feeling squishy post-80(when people usually die fast in this game at empowered monos or dungeons).

I was just stating what the average build runs for defence in order to not die too quickly, and level 90 characters are usually quite tanky.

What part of what I said was elitism?

dynamic difficulty is just difficulty select without the difficulty select.

You missed the sarcasm then.

I am using this build.

I have all the uniques and am working on getting legendary potential versions. I have all of the “correct” greater blessings. My health is still 1400 but ward can get all the way up to ~1400 too.

I am not claiming to have the best skill, but I do not feel like I am terrible. I would be open to the current difficulty at end game if all progress in a dungeon was not lost upon death. I just attempted a T3 Lightless Arbor run and died gloriously b4 I really knew what to look for when you go inside the final boss. Did I attempt with another key, no I immediately logged off due to frustration. I absolutely HATE wasting time and clearing the trash to get to the boss is exactly that. I wish there was a way to get another few attempts before the dungeon is skunked.

This is my opinion and if I am in the minority, so be it. Not all games have to be for all people/skill levels.

It isn’t an unpopular opinion. Many players feel like 1 attempt per dungeon is too punishing, especially when the difficulty raises significantly from T2 to T3.

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  1. the use of irony to mock or convey contempt

“his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment”

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If you’re looking for true feedback on your build and playing online, I’d recommend using Last Epoch Build Planner to import your online character and sharing the build. We’d be able to point out any wasted affix slots or mistakes or anything.

I believe the fire minions build is pretty good, but I’ve never really enjoyed any of Aaron’s builds since I always feel they’re lacking of defense and he never demonstrates the cons of the builds. (I’m no necromancer expect however)

If you’re offline you can use the same tool but it’s a bit more difficult as you have to find your saved games.

Sidenote: I also struggle on Lightless Arbor sometimes as that boss is quite strong, especially past T2. I’d recommend understanding the boss fight if you don’t want to waste time clearing just to get hit by a mechanic. POE does boss fights slightly better as you have 6 attempts, but there are still cases in POE where the boss just becomes unkillable / bricked as a mechanic was done incorrectly. I’d personally enjoy a mechanic where you can use more keys to get another attempt at the boss when you die, which would just save the player time.


Look, I don’t want to be that guy, but even if you copy his entire build one to one, you’re still gonna struggle to survive. The build barely has any defensive mechanics holding it together looking at his final Planner ( A good amount of HP, endurance and crit avoid). That’s the bare bones for defences on a class that doesn’t have many defensive tools to begin with. No Bone armor, no frailty anywhere and 400 armor is a complete joke, these type of defences only work in lower corruption by just never getting hit. But for tier 4 Dungeons? This build is just not cutting it.

I mean, the build guide even says it’s Squishy without Optimal Gear.

I’m implying that even if you do get optimal gear, it’s still gonna be squishy. My comment was about playing the build with the “endgame planner”.

Is it just me or does Icy Veins miss the ability to hover over a suggested unique & see what the stats are? As well as a comprehensive listing of the stats (like LE tools does).

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