Empowered monoliths..so close yet so far away

Ok hopefully this is an actual bug and not just me being dense.

Unlocked 10 / 10 timelines
completed 13 / 20 monoliths
17 timelines conquered
Empowered timelines unlocked: 0!

The level 90 ones (last ruin, fire age of winter) all done

I understand that I should be able to access the chest in the middle of map - and I can see it. But there is no way to access it !

Thoughts ?

I want to start by saying this is a genuine question because it is not clear to me from your post.

Did you walk over and click on it?

completely fair question. When I walk over to the center area I can see the chest - but cannot walk up to it. Nor when I hover my mouse over it can I see anything that appears to be clickable

Apologies, should have been more clear in the original post.

Oh man. That sucks.

As a workaround, you can try joining a group with somebody who hasnt unlocked them yet and is on last lvl 90. A similar thing has worked for some other people with quest acknowledgment bugs.

Maybe it will help.

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