Eleventh Hour Games | New Partnership

Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.

No, companies rarely tell the public how much their shareholders own. That’s generally buried in statutory accounts/filings (which for some reason Delaware doesn’t want to put online like the rest of the civilised world, even New Zealand does it!).



That’s normal for EHG after they drop a big patch & then buckle down to start on the next one.

It is a smaller patch compared to the last few, mainly due to them putting most of their development team on multiplayer.

Nope, they’re just focussing on MP.


I decided to post this here rather than making a whole different thread that had to be monitored. Regardless how me anyone feels about the announcement. I really have to give @Moxjet200 and the team @ EHG Props on their continued transparency. I hope the best for this game the I have poured money, time and sleepless night to supporting. Because I believe in the vision for Last Epoch. Giving them the benefit of the doubt. The teams business decisions is what has pushed them this far. If they can get the backing to make the game better and truly keep 100% control of the company and IP. Then good on them. I am on this wild ride no matter the ups and downs. Just hope my initial fears are proved wrong. Congrats Team. NOW MP WHEN?


Didnt you hire Karv who as far as I know has none of that experience and basically just plays games from a room because it was ‘cool’ to hire a streamer?

GGG are fine currently until the main directors quit ie Chris/Jonathan/Erik once they go the game is finished.

The other thing is there is a Chinese PoE client that has unethical shit that will never be on Western markets and thats because they have separate games so they dont clash

Is there going to be a Chinese LE? I highly doubt it which means some of their influence will trickle down ie loot pets

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Happy to hear greater financial stability for the EHG team! Looking forward to see a bigger, better Last Epoch!


Quite sure Karv offers more than just “cool to have streamer on the team” :smiley:


Such as? Ive known of Karv for 7-8 years and maybe im wrong but I assume he has no technical experience. what does he bring to the game? im curious

There is still no loot pet in International POE. Seriously, think before you post.

There is, dont post if you dont know anything

its not ‘international’ its the Chinese client., they also have additional packsize to carry items

How do you not know this?

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I’ve known this. And Chinese POE have loot pets for years and there never was any in International. So where is the “trickle down” from chinese POE client to International? You have some serious comprehension issues.


Stop calling it international, you are wrong

Also dont reply to me anymore thanks, im sick of you


So this was the plan all along and Tencent was the best option? And you decided to make / publish the deal right now, with everything else happening?

I would have preferred that you cancel everything else: multiplayer, unreleased masteries etc and stayed independent, but it is your decision to make.

I won’t be coming back for early access updates anymore and wait for 1.0. I guess we’ll see how much will change until then.


A couple things I’d like to assuage concerns on that I’ve seen evolve over the day…

  1. EHG is not providing Tencent any user data or any way to track any data, at all.
  2. There have been no upticks or down ticks of development related to this investment. Going through the adventures of procuring funding has taken a lot of my time over the last couple years but our development team has been unaffected. There may be a couple patches that look like “less content” than some of the densest content patches we’ve released as we’re heavily focusing on multiplayer, quality, live operations needs and other foundational developments for the 1.0 release of the game.
  3. Tencent is not requesting our source code to make a competing game - though that is very flattering speculation! Truly multiple folks from Tencent that I had spoken with, including a number of higher ups, had dozens (and some into a hundred+) of hours in Epoch. It was the only investment team I had spoken with, of over 20, where we actually chatted about the game content extensively and I could tell they were true fans of what we have built.

First, you need to give your timeline some stability.
Then, you can start raising the corruption.

(Just a pun. Sort of.
Today’s announcement is very sad news, but it won’t change the way I see/play the game, and I have no particular concern regarding content or data.
Although it probably will change my involvement with the community.)


Karv is QA

Reading through the OP, thinking the buildup and suspense is drawing longer than I’d expect before just announcing a name… Wait, it isn’t… -skip-skip-skip- oh, of course it is.

When I first saw the name, I truly felt a moment of heartbreak. All that emphasis and pride placed in steadfastly enduring the difficulty of investment hunting without giving ground on your values, only to gamble the perception of them on such a stigmatized name.

As I imagine is the case for most of us here: I know little about investing, and I have never managed a software development company. But that’s the point. The focus of response is almost entirely on image and perception, which you clearly knew it would be given the preamble before dropping the bomb. So, let’s unpack that image as someone might perceive it: in four years after a kickstarter you’ve made sales of game copies and supporter packs with an aura of excitement constantly surrounding the game, while apparently turning down hoards of investment opportunities for the sake of developer values and control, but before even making it to 1.0 you sell out to… them… as the “right investment partner?”

I won’t list issues with that company here, but I’m definitely reading all about them again right now. My evil-o-meter isn’t registering high enough enough today (aka, anymore or yet) that I would boycott my two favorite games over it. Financial security is understandably a huge deal, and I’m sure the outrage will fade like it did for GGG. So long as you continue to stand your ground for your team and vision as you have thus far, I will continue to support and have faith in the game’s future. Despite the much larger stake, GGG and POE are still in that boat, and I still support them, too.

However, back to perceptions, where is the line drawn on compromise? Just from this post:

When trading stake in the company for monetary investment, you are NOT willing to:

  • relinquish any control of design and development
  • accept stipulations
  • let the investor dictate operations
  • back down from what you think best for the company
  • compromise your team of amazing people

However, for security with an investor agreeable to those terms, you ARE willing to:

  • dump the company name in the same bucket of blood as so many others
  • allow ROI buy-in from a company that may use it to fund ethically questionable activities

This says to me that you believe the game is more important than money (good), and that EHG’s people and ideas are more important than company image (also good). It also probably says you believe the game itself will carry the company regardless of stigma (also good, at least for morale). But this additionally says, despite a strong stance seemingly to the contrary, that the ends justify the means, which is generally a negative connotation and slippery slope. Having apparently reached a point where sacrificing image for security was a better outcome than remaining options, words like “risky” and “volatile” start to rumble.

Maybe, and hopefully, we’re all wrong and Tencough’s future is all sunshine and rainbows. And maybe this partnership is entirely double-plus-good for the game. However, since it seems neither of those is anywhere close to current perception, I just wish more could have been done before getting here. I mean, couldn’t you have just asked me to buy the creator pack again? I would have.


EHG you had to know this was going to come off terrible for the majority of people on your forum and in most news right? People hate TenCent and with good reason. They slowly get into the game on a small % and eventually wind up holding majority control over the game because of how contracts are made giving them the advantage. They are the one lending money/investing on the idea that they get their return +x% extra in Y amount of time correct? And, based on contracts, if you are unable to meet these metrics there are ways for this to be taken care of, ususally with TenCent getting further control of the game.

TenCent, in any western version of the game they touch, wind up fucking around with things. BDO, korean arpg but probably the best example of what 10cent will do to your game via gacha grab cash shop. Archeage (2nd release). They were hands off for about 3 months, then put a bunch of stuff on the cash shop that mirrored Asian versions and the game died about 6 months later. Of course, they sold it off to some other studio prior to that like they generally do with other games. Guild Wars 2? Yup, 10cent controls more than ArenaNet does now. I could go on, and I am sure others can as well.

No one trusts 10cent, and people trust the reputable company that sold out far less than they did prior. How many customers will this cost you in the long run? Content creators have already posted about this and the vast majority of comments are either, “it’s bad or it’s bad but let’s wait and see for a few months before bailing ship”. Now, you’re starting to see PR bots come out of the woodwork on the forums and on reddit because of how negative the comments are getting. Quite honestly, aside from money, it was a horrible decision all around from accepting it to the time you choose to release it. It’s going to be constant PR because this won’t just go away as 10cent is a very well known name.

Will i stop playing? Probably not in the short term, but it does make me take a look at what else is out there because of past games I have been burned with that 10cent dropped in on. If things start changing like they tend to do with 10cent owned games? I’m out and uninstalling that second. Not getting suckered into that over again.

just my 2c


The news is both happy and concerning.
For GameStadio, receiving a large capital investment is one of its successes.
I am happy about that.

I have no general knowledge of investments or company operations.Therefore, I have some strange concerns about the future.

Will our purchases and personal information be passed on to Tencent?
Will not extra programs put into the game?
(Like Epic Launcher which was pulling out STEAM information)

Not sure if you saw this response just a few post up, hope it helps.