Eleventh Hour Games | New Partnership

It’s not like they weren’t planned since the Kickstarter. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Great news for both the team and the game, congrats !

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“Tencent” is a strong word for sure xD
But PoE is going strong after after Tencent’s investment. So I see this as a good new!

This is the worst news I could have possibly imagined. I’d rather you announce that everything is getting delayed by a year or even that you are shutting down altogether.

I have no desire whatsoever to contribute in any, even the most minor, way to the enrichment of a Chinese company that does whatever the CCP tells it to do. I’m incredibly disappointed in you taking that route.

Sadly, I don’t believe there is a way for me to return the game, given that I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing it, but if there was such an opportunity, I would take it in a heartbeat.

The best I can do now it to stop playing and stop telling people to buy this game.


Both? Both. Both is… not good, actually


This isn’t a contradiction to us. In our view there are very important differences between individuals, businesses, and governments. If a conflict breaks out between two governments, we do not take those actions as a reflection of the individuals who happen to live there - in fact our heart goes out to them.

This is an agreement that was made between two teams, two businesses, full of wonderful, passionate APRG gamers. It does not reflect on the political views of the individual team members on our team, or on theirs - nor does it have any hidden political subtext to read into.


Pretty much the response I was expecting.


Good news for the game, probably, as it should allow faster and better quality development.

Bad news for gaming in general, it seems no indie can exist anymore, Tencent, Microsoft and very few other giants are monopolising everything. We will soon have 2 / 3 companies controlling the entire market (if we don’t already).

As for the team, I don’t know…
Good news for their families and bank accounts, bad news for their souls and moral integrity?


Why the investment from Microsoft or Tencent is bad for gaming? I’d say the opposite tbh. Money allows game development, that’s the hard truth. Development is expensive and the people behind games need to pay bills.


As someone who regularly contributes both money and labor to a few (unrelated) charitable causes that are close to my heart, I think the display of self-righteous slacktivism in this thread is genuinely offensive.

None of y’all are out there doing anything real - of which there is no dearth - to help with the things you claim to have a problem with. Hyperbolic moral outrage about a Chinese company making a minor investment in an indie game developer doesn’t count for anything, to anyone. You don’t actually care and this is just an emotional drug fix for you. Tencent is just the bogeyman du jour. Step down.


What ARPGs you playing now?

You just have to comment on everything don’t you Christ


I tend to consider monopolies bad, in any domain.
Tencent or Microsoft investing a bit in gaming would be absolutely fine. But what they are trying to do now is to buy EVERYTHING, as fast as possible, to try and corner the market. This is generally bad in my views, the more open the competition, the more creativity, and the more different things we get.


None atm, currently have Chronicon, Hero siege and Grim dawn installed.
Have’nt played them for months.

Lovely to assume everyone who doesn’t share your stance is a hypocrite, unlike you. Did you ever, at any point, stop to consider you’re not the only person on Earth who might actually take practical action in favor of the stances they take - assuming you’re even saying the truth and not just trolling? Did you stop to think at any point while writing this post that maybe you actually aren’t a special gift from heaven and other people besides you might have genuine grievances they’re justified in expressing?

I’m disappointed in EHG.


People have already expressed that they don’t want to support the Chinese government, which essentially owns every Chinese business including Tencent, in this thread. I’m just posting to let Tencent / EHG and the community know that there are more of us than they may realize. This is one of the reasons I stopped playing PoE and started playing Last Epoch. Hype week is now a week of disappointment.


They were coming anyway!

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Can you make that distinction though, in case of Tencent? Chinese companies are much more beholden to the Chinese government than is typically the case for companies in other countries (except maybe Russia, where the same control happens by the state).

So you are in effect partnering with a company whose political views are one and the same as those of the Chinese government.

What I hate the most about these kinds of situations is the dishonesty. I would so much appreciate it if EHG would flat out admit to something like the following:

We need money to keep making a great game. Tencent happens to offer us the most money for the least equity so we took it. We realize that this at least partly aligns us with the political motivations of the Chinese government and that is a risk we’re willing to take and our choice to make

Then you would be honest


This is horrible news. Riot / GGG / EHG three way conflict of interest topped with worldwide political unrest with China (and thus their state owned companies) being on the verge of supporting Russia.


And also being more up front about the exact ownership amount, rather than dodging the issue multiple times before giving an inexact answer buried within a forum thread most people won’t even look at