Eleventh Hour games, are you children?

Or there is just no enemy left… MUHARHARHARHAR!!!

Since we devalue human work force by automation and fewer and fewer people can have a decent income based on their job, increased socialism seems to be the only not completely fucked-up solution left.

Account money is a measuring tool, a scale to weigh the value of different goods, services etc. against each other. That’s what we use nowadays, almost exclusively.

Currency money, on the other hand, has an inherent value due to the material value of the physical object representing the money, e.g. gold.

Account money to account for stuff is still useful.

You see, as much as you might not like reading about economy and socialism, other people might not want to read profanities or sexual innuendo in public chat. While I am quite an offender in this regard myself at times and personally don’t mind that language, other people do.

Therefore, we should ask ourselves if we could be a bit more mindful of each other’s sensitivities.

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You do realize that LE isn’t an 18+ game? There are kids playing. So it’s perfectly legit for EHG to want to sanitize the language of the chat.
Also, as can be seen by the chats on D2/PoE and even most multiplayer games, unsupervized chat (or just human moderated chat with bans for punishment) just leads to a toxic chat environment.

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Which would make it significantly more expensive to invest so companies would do it less & there would be less efficient machinery used. This is generally a bad thing, though if less equipment is being bought, less is being made which would have less of an effect on the environment (which could be a bad thing in the long term if older less efficient machinery was being used, just imagine old diesel cars versus new more efficient models).

This is what you’re trying to achieve by disallowing investment for tax purposes, there is no “with a balance accordingly”, you’ve said the same thing twice.

Also, reinvesting your profits into either expanded production capabilities or similar is a good thing, the alternative is to either sit on your cash (Apple, some yeats ago), or pay it to your investors/shareholders, there is no social upside here.

This is the current status quo. Companies don’t just spunk their money at the nearest shiniest thing (all the time).

They generally become bad when people get involved. Sadly.

Actually no. Germany, for example, has a healthcare system like the US, they need the user to have insurance or they pay out of their own pocket (a cyclist friend of mine got hit by a car & had medical issues & went through everything with us). The UK has the NHS which is funded through general taxation & other European countries have similar socialised medicine, but certainly not all of them.

That’s only true if you subscribe to the more western focus on individuality & one could possibly say, selfishness/greed.

And working for the greater good, though people, especially “westerners” are possibly too selfish & self-absorbed for that.

That’s still very similar to what Blizz did & most/many companies can still be forced to ultimately give up user physical addresses for harassment letters to be sent (eg, the UK’s TV licensing, if they think you’re watching broadcast tv without a license).


Is it really? I’d never have thought…

Hello again. As previously stated we are listening to feedback regarding the in-game moderation and do have some changes in the works for it however the conversation keeps veering off course. While we do not mind people having those conversations, this is not the thread to do that in.

We ask to please keep the conversation on topic: feedback regarding the in-game moderation and changes you would like to see.


when i read this i immediately though of Kevin Bl%%%dy Wilson “Hey Santa Clause you #### where is my f$#%$#@g bike …” :rofl:

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Ooop! You guys got yelled at! :melting_face: (why isn’t there a naughty emoji?)