Echo of World reduces corruption instead of adding it even if positioned far from center

and after continuing even more far from center:

In principle, that’s what Shade nodes are supposed to do. If you keep pushing your monolith web further out you will come across Shades that increase the corruption.

As to the second pic reducing corruption by a larger amount, I’d assume that if you put the web on a grid the second one would be closer to the centre than the first.

if you look again you will see that they both reduce corruption for no reason.
They both far from center
And the one that is more far even reduce corruption more
It must be the opposite.

I did look at both pics twice. If you work out the distance to the centre each node is in horizontal and vertical steps, the second one should be slightly closer.

The first appears to be 5 down, 6 across (7.8 distance from centre) while the second appears to be 8 down 5 across (9.4 distance). So I would have assumed the second would have reduced corruption by less.

i don’t want to discuss here what is close and what is far from center.
But already after running a lot of different monoliths i can say that in many cases the world echoes that are located more far from center then other echoes reduce corruption more then those that are closer to center. (even if i put illusianary grid)
Its a BUG.
I even not sure it was from the initial patch. Some minor patch broke it.

And i can put more obvious screenshots if needed.

It’s difficult to see how far you are from the center to judge if this is an error or not.

The shade when building corruption, shows up close to the hub giving negative corruption. The further you go out the negative corruption reward eventually turns positive. It seems here you are right on the edge of where it should start to turn positive. I am confidence if you continue further down you will run into a shade which will give positive corruption.

This system is to reward players for exploring deep into the web. If you start seeing the same corruption value regardless of depth then that would be a bug but I don’t think that is the case here.

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