Echo Mods duplicating themselves & applying the dupes

In video I started with 4 mods (2 sets of two) both with the exact same mods, and the same number of echoes left. When I loaded into the echo, I suddenly had 6 mods(3 sets of two). The echo seemed to be counting each mod as well, the enemies were quite strong in the one with 6 mods. (505.7 KB)

There is also a different, but similar issue where when you die, and reenter the echo, you get a duplicate mod added on as well.

Confirmed that duped mods are counting. Went into a echo, tp’d out(cuz i forgot i wanted to do the boss). got the mod added on. beat boss, went back into the same echo, and it immediately duped upon entering. went to the next echo, had 3 stacks of the same 94% armour shred. luckily found a small common mob. stood infront of one creature getting 3 shred stacks per attack. (20.6 KB)

Also when you die in an echo when the mod dupes on entering, it only takes away one mod, not both the dupes. so not only are you dying cuz of dupes, its making it harder when you do.

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