Echo Information x4

Hi, I am not sure where to post this and if the information is helpfull.

This does not look right : 4 of the Echo Information near together . Happened in Fall of the Empire.

RNG can be wierd sometimes.

RNG is RNG, but how much corruption was this?

Corruption majorly impacts the spawn rate of specieal echoes like beacons and vessesl.
Corruption also increases the spawn chance for rare rewards like idols or exalted items.

I already had like 6 or 7 beacons within a few echoes range on high corruption, they might need to turn that down abit.

The worst part about this IMO is, that multiple beacons in a row have very limited benefits other than you can use them to let all modifers run out, removeing all your exp and rarity and making the content cheesy AF.

7 beacons in and 12 Corruption.

I would just further obsere this and give feedback again.

Maybe it was just very lucky, but if that is happening too often they might need to tune down the beacon spawn rate.

Are mods supposed to stack? Some of them appear to do so, like +damage mods. Lots of the others seem to be ‘free’ if you take multiples of the same mod. Monster endurance etc. I don’t think having 3x Endurance mods makes any difference compared to one.
I just put 3x rare +cooldown and I swear I cannot see any difference whatsoever to just one mod.
It made the timeline I started absolutley threatless. Working as intended? I don’t know whether this is strategic planning on the player’s side (a good thing) or its an unintended weakening of the system. I feel a bit wrong for doing it haha.

I would say that it is intended.

There are modifiers that you can stack, gain increased rewards without increasing the difficulty. Some of the modifiers you mentioned work like this.

I would account this towards mastering the system and understanding how certain mechanics work.
It does have some really crazy edge cases where you could stack the same modifier a few time to gain maximum reward for minimum difficulty, but overall since the echoes are random generated and if you only pick echoes based on modifiers instead of rewards you will not be able to abuse this very much.

And if you encounter a situation where between a few echo choices one is significantly easier due to not stacking modifiers, that is part of learning and understanding the system.

Maybe when we get more and more diverse modifiers this will become less of an issue.

OK and thanks for replying! I really appreciate it.
So I’ll now go forth and feel like I am mastering the system hehe. It actually helps me out a lot because over the weekend I was pretty much at my limit in the mid 120s. Some of the combos made for echoes that were… above my maximum excitement threshold.
So now I’ve started actively looking for these mods, and then stacking 3 or 4 on top of each other and it helps SO MUCH! I can just run to the end of the mono, stop at the choke point before most objectives and use that as a killbox to wipe out the train I have chasing me. Then pop the objective and finished! Yeah, yeah 149 is good for me so don’t mock me.
My favourite mods now are Glancing Blow, Marked for Death, Frenzy, Deadly, and Shred Armor. You can easily make a stack on any one of those, then if you need to grab some useless mods that do nothing like the ones that only affect rares.
I’m afraid up to now I’ve been mostly trying to follow a line as best I could to the outside, and just taking everything that wasn’t Dodge or Crit Avoidance (not too fun on my build atm). So that was down to me making it harder without the need to.

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I would never mock any based on the difficulty they enjoy playing a game.

The beauty of LE is that normal timelines are accessible to basically even the most casual players. Alot of veterans find them too easy, this greatly improved with the new system, since the average time to complete a timeline once got reduced.

The new reduced stability value is a bit too low for empowered IMO though.

But if you can “choose your own difficulty”, thats a great system.
Even though I can see some people might not understand the system early enough, so they don’t fully realize how much control they actually have.

This might even be more of an issue because alot of people jumped into the system on an already established char, so they don’t experience the system from the start.

Armour Shred does stack though.
It’s a really dangerous modifier against certain enemy types.

That’s the cool thing in the new system. There are different strategies.

Go straight towards the edge, as far away as possible is the most efficient tactic to push Timeline Stability and Corruption, but if you build can’t handle certain modifiers that well, you can either not go the direct way to avoid certain modifiers or just stay in the center and clear echoes there.

I think overall a great portion of the community still needs to learn and master the new system and while it might not be perfect, it’s a great step into the right direction.
And alot of people that give negative feedback might not have realized what they actually can achieve with the new system.

I stand corrected on the Armor Shred, thank you!
I was very surprised to see that +physical damage doesn’t stack. I could have sworn in front of a judge I was sure they used to, but then again, I really am Mr Rampant Observer Bias.
Stacked 3x +physical and there was no perceptible difference while I played.

The more we play the new monoliths, the more we see how well designed the system is.

I have not played any timeline excessively that has the “enemies deal increased physical damage” in it’s modifier pool.

But it should stack. The only thing I can say that “enemies deal increased elemental damage” does stack, so I assume the Physical variant should stack too.

It can always be a bug. I would further observe this and if you are certain it does not stack I would open a bug report.

Keep in mind alot of mob types don’t do any physical damage at all.

EDIT: As a rule of thumb… Enemies use the same mechanic as the player, so things like crit chance, crit avoidance, GB, shred chance etc are used for them in the same way they are used for the players character.

So anything that has no hardcap like “increased damage” should work.

And things like “enemies are deadly if not damage recently” for example doesn’t stack, because the “Deadly” state applied by the modifier itself doesn’t stack.

Okay this is probably where I immediately went wrong. I had unconciously applied GD’s damage spectrum without even thinking about it. Too many years with GI up on the screen and in that game physical is the overwhelming damage type in most situations, or at least very important in almost all.

How can I determine or understand the damage profiles we have in game? Like if I am being punched in the face by one of the big Void chaps–is it all Void damage in this game? Sorry for taking up your time, but if you could point me at something I can ponder on I’ll go look at it and stop with the stream of questions :slight_smile:

Edit: I’m hoping getting over my assumptions might mean down the line I don’t die so much!

This is really difficult to answer without going into details about specific mobs.

But generally most “basic/default” attacks" do physical damage.
There might be mobs that have mixed damage even on their basic attacks like the Human Frost Archers you can find the “The Age Of Winter” Quest echoes.

Most telegraphs do have a very distinct color to them which indicates their main dmg type.

But even some of those can have mixed damage.

Example: The Profane Necrotic Stone Wielding Dudes have mixed Necrotic/Physical on their telegraphs, while the Desecrated Flesh Physical Stone Wielding Dudes solely have physical damage with their telegraph.

But overall most areas do have mobs that deal physical damage.

I would consider physical damage the most important resistance, since alot of the unavoidable basic attack can hurt alot and might ministun you alot more, when their damage is high.

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Thanks for all the help today <3

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