Dupe Unique drop malaise, formerly; Combine identical type unique to increase LP

And this is what I mean by a semantics argument. You think you implied to the non-English-as-first-language poster the whole, ‘they can be but aren’t always’ part. The single sentence of yours that I quoted above doesn’t have that level of legalese. You focused on one part of his sentence, ‘long-lasting’ like that was the most important part and made his point invalid. Then expected me to not do the same things to your posts.

What is annoying me is the feeling that I’m getting with interacting with you is that anyone new who wants to post in this forum will have to have a lawyer look over their post first to make sure it’s iron clad and can’t be misinterpreted.

So I’ve had my lawyers look over this paragraph and hope it will be satisfactory to you;

Uniques as a category are important to the game. A given unique may not be that powerful or have anything to do with end game, but that is a characteristic of that one particular unique. Other uniques absolutely will be part of end game builds and are powerful and long lasting.

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