Dungeon: Roadblock Skip!

Hi, I discovered this bug in dungeons where you can leap with Aerial Assault and somehow spamming the “D” key in the air while you are in the air for a moment.
Tried walking through corners or using other skills but appears to be this bug being triggered by traversal skills and “D” key spam.

Thanks for the work !

Bug Video

DxDiag.txt (110.8 KB)

Player-prev.log (964.1 KB)

EDIT: Figured out the how this glitch works.
Area that’s clickable on the ground and if it’s blocked on the both maps that we switch with “D” you can just use traversal skill and click on the on the side on the ground to pass through it. I think should be fixed quicker while this creating a way to skip a big portion of the dungeon.

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