Dungeon Gates / Requirements - Is it really neccessary?

I agree with EHG’s stance on requiring cost of entry, theres a few factors to consider here, note I havent played the new dungeons, I dont know the drop rates

First off they would have to nerf the rewards and from what ive seen are pretty generous, Personally ive been conditioned by PoE to need a consumable item to do almost everything. In PoE you need a map just to run a ‘monolith’ zone for example, you could run out of the highest tier maps which would mean instead of being able to run corruption 200 constantly, now you have to farm at 180 to find more maps to run 200.

Look at other aRPGs and their content gating:

PoE: - consumable for everything but the story, maps/fragments. PoE has Delve which is like Lightless Arbor - to charge the machine you need to find energy maps. Many bosses accessed by 4 fragments. Content in PoE is gated constantly

D3- Rifts were infinite like monoliths but Greater Rifts needed keys which only dropped in normal rifts

Grim Dawn: Normal zones were just the story but Rogue dungeons which had the best chances of loot required a Skeleton key which was actually irritating to craft and rarely dropped, then they brought out Shattered Realm which also im sure needed a key but I cant remember

Also I think Heavy has a good point - the dungeons have been released when people have millions of gold and many exalts. If there is a new league scenario by the time you actually would want to go to Lightless and spend some cash you probably have many keys at that point infact I see you hoarding them without going as you dont have the money/exalts

It seems the dungeon in order in progression is Soul > Lightless > Temporal

Souls seems better to acquire general gear or maybe target farming, Lightless is good for many exalt drops/loot explosions. Temporal is to actually upgrade into LP the last step


What’s the “standard endgame gameplay loop”, here? Knocking out high-corruption empowered monos on a highly optimized lvl 100 character? Are dungeons not intended to be accessed by casual players, who mostly level new characters and play normal monos?

Since the patch, I’ve played about 20 hours and gotten this:
2 Lightless Arbour keys
0 Soulfire Bastion keys
0 Temporal Sanctum keys
3* Arena keys
(* all from targeted rewards in monos and arena, these don’t drop from mobs anymore either).

This doesn’t feel like a “healthy rate” to me at all. And I don’t understand why the area level of the first dungeon tiers are set at less than 100, if you need to do lvl100 content to consistently gain access to them.

Are you assuming a 100% completion rate, here? Because that has not been my experience with the Temporal Sanctum. I needed 4-5 attempts to learn Julra and still only have about a 50/50 success rate on that boss with most of the characters I’ve tried with.

This is also why my 2 LA keys are still sitting in my stash, even though I really want to try the dungeon. I just know that I’ll get one-shot by some mechanic I’m not aware of, and feel intensely frustrated if I don’t have the opportunity to get another go at it without another 10-hour+ mono grind.

Bring on the “git gud” jeers, but I definitely feel that new dungeon key drop rates have been balanced according to the needs and experiences of hardcore players and, as a casual player, this patch has been a net loss for my experience.


D3 normal rifts guarentee a key drop, sometimes two key drops, so not exactly the same thing going on really.

I could play D3 for 2 or 3 hours normal rifting and have multiple greater rift keys, compare that with 2 or 3 hours in Gated Epoch, and your lucky if you have 1 or 2 new dungeon keys.

I mean come on, who’s brain farted hard enough to release a new patch, with basically the only new content being 2 dungeons, and then gate that so hard, brilliant idea, no?

I’m still trying to work what the point of arena champions is.

Cant comment on PoE as i dont play it and GD i havent played enough.

Some people have millions of gold, not all people, or are we assuming that everyone started the game at same time and are able to play as much as say a full time gamer? But that is by the by, if i could enter the new dungeons to play them, i would grind for gold, but whats the point, if i cant get a key.

Some people since the patch release have seen 1 or 2 keys, that in anybodys book is really bad design, except Heavy’s of course, he thinks its fun.

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My casual feedback here.

I’m someone who likes to make characters and try different playstyles, not optimizing those characters and their play styles. So I usually quit character at around 70-75lvl. I made one new character after the patch came and I even found the character pretty good. Highly defensive forge guard.

I wanted to try the new dungeons with this character. I expected to find some keys, but nope. Only about the time I was going to quit, I did find one soulfire key.

Sure, I was nearly 70lvl and as far as I understand, the first tier of the dungeon is scaled to 45? Sure … sure, I decided I dont care and wanted to see it. It was obviously ez.
At my level I expected boss to be easy, but I still got hit sometimes by nearly 50% of my hp before I could do anything. It even felt like the fire switching thing was slow to react. Considering this was one of my more durable characters, I doubt I could survive that place with a lower level one. Are they really intended to allow new characters to pass through the story quickly?

So a very low droprate for keys? Low level characters might have difficulty to actually getting through (at least at my skill level) ? Not sure what the dungeon’s purpose is. It feels like its for targeted end game items?

The other dungeon? Lightless something? Nope. I’m already getting interested making another character. I have no intention of farming key for it. I have already written it off from my experience. If one key drops for one of my higher level characters for the short time I play them, sure, I’ll go check it, but that seems unlikely.

The keys…

The key droprates in general are too low. I have my stack on temporal keys from previous patches. Never liked to do that because I found it not to be worth the effort.

I found only that single soulfire key as a drop. I did get an arena key from doing monoliths since it was a reward. I feel like the temporal keys in previous patches had higher droprate. In fact I started tossing them away since I had large stack of them in my chest anyway and it wasn’t like I was doing the place.

If you want keys to exist, make them easier to get. Perhaps low level version could be accessed without a key and end game relevant levels require one? Allow them to be crafted??

Some solution that allows me to go there when I want to. Now I cant even do them.

For player like me, these dungeons might not even exist and I guess that could be … acceptable. There exists stuff in other arpg’s that I dont even consider ‘my content’. For example PoE end game bosses. I can accept some stuff is out of my interest area, but these dungeons don’t seem to be obviously designed as such. Yet, this seems to be the case.

If these dungeons are end game content, make them such. If they are intended to be doable for earlier content, make them such. Someone might say “git gud”, but nope. I play the parts of the game I find fun. When I need to start doing stuff I dont like doing, I stop doing that stuff. If the game isn’t fun afterwards, I quit it.

Anyway, here is some feedback from my type of player.

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Its the same concept

Thats what aRPGs are they gate content?, if you remove the cost of entry then you remove the reward structure and its just another area

Right but you wont on a new ‘cycle’ or league release. EHG doesnt really care about offline players and it will be balanced around that

  1. Concept maybe the same, outcome is completely different.

  2. I have no problem with entry requirements, however there are requirements and there is just completely shit drops, inducing boredom and frustration.

  3. As it is, it isnt in a cycle, its offline, in EA.

I agree with keys being a less fun gating criteria than something like boss difficulty. The fun part of this game is pushing your builds forward and facing challenging situations, not waiting for Math.rand to give you the right number on kill. How access to parts of the game is gated should reflect more of this.

@vapourfire , as usual has pretty much expressed most of my concern as to how LE seems to be progressing now as opposed to all of the reasons I started playing it.

Dungeons are a great example, but for me at least, the worrying trend is RNG and the reliance upon it. Sadly to say, this brings me once again to one of the major reasons I quit PoE, their insane reliance on RNG for everything. Indeed, I used to call it Path of RNG over in their reddit & forums.

LE did well with an exodus of players from PoE and other similar Aprg’s to start off the playerbase here. However, as time goes on, it seems that they have somehow lost perspective on WHY people came here from other “places”. I personally can take a little RNG in my games, but there’s a tipping point for me. When things become far less deterministic and more entirely “luck based” then the game goes from something I grind to achieve to something I loathe (often citing bad luck).

I made many people angry with my comments on the new crafting system when it came in. My major complaint then was the increasing creep of RNG x RNG x RNG etc. I stated that I was concerned about the direction LE were taking, and as to how similar it was to the initial and progressive mistakes PoE made which drove me to quit and come here.

Now, the dungeon “systems” also have increasing elements of RNGxRNGxRNG as eloquently demonstrated by my friend Vapour. So, the two most recent innovations in LE are largely far more dependant on RNG than previous systems. Yet again, I will make myself unpopular by saying that I still think that relying on layers of RNG is simply a lazy and fast approach to introducing new elements to a game. I really do not like it one little bit. Vapour’s example above of trying to approach Temporal Sanctum in a deterministic approach is a great one.

The more experienced, as players, we become the greater our ability to play the game becomes. We then value our time far more and look to increase our gear quality with DETERMINISTIC methods of crafting/rolling/melding. When you are “fine tuning” a character using the Temporal Sanctum example above and looking to make a legendary you can use, you have already spent many many hours grinding to get the base unique with enough LP & farming/tweaking the perfect exalted base to add to it. You’ve already done many layers of RNG in those 2 processes just to get your “base materials”. To then have to do a Boss battle that has lazy one shots and a large level of RNG only to get to a forge that yet again relies on RNG to decide which suffixes you get to keep just feels like a massive slap in the face to me. By the time I’ve reached this final forging process, I’ve already got sick to the hind teeth of RNG elements, now after sometimes thousands of hours of play/grind I have to face yet more of it? It’s wrong. Sorry, but just plain wrong.

To grind a unique with 3+LP takes many many hours and huge amounts of RNG luck. To find a great exalt base with exactly what you are starting to look for in the T6/T7 takes many many hours. Then we get to face the RNG in the crafting system to make a base with 4 suffixes we can live with. Why? Because getting the Unique takes so long we don’t want to waste it using an exalt with only 3/4 good suffixes, obviously.

I could go on, but you get my point.

MY first few hundred hours playing LE were fantastic. I felt as though I could actually make what I wanted to, play how I wanted to, make builds I wanted to play with, and play with a style I wanted to. The mono system was great for allowing me to push my limits as my character survived. I felt I could do all of this mostly with a deterministic approach and a dash of RNG.
Then after the crafting changes, making END GAME gear became more of a frustration for me as a min/maxer.
Then the first terrible dungeon boss fight arrived, and then more RNG was thrown in with the forge.
Then yet more terrible dungeon boss fights arrived (I posted elsewhere why I think this), more RNG chucked in.

A large amount of my “good faith” built up initially by LE is starting to drain away, as I see remarkable similarities in approach creeping in to what happened to PoE.

I find it inexplicable as to how such a shift in approach can have crept into the game development here. I had, and still have, a ton of faith in the initial dev team with all they initially brought us. However, it is starting to feel as though a ton of ex-GGG employees have been taken on in those roles. I really hope I am wrong. This veering towards more and more multiplicative factors of RNG and lazy one shot mechanics is eerily familiar. The difference that I do hope the team here is aware of is a large one though, over there I was morally committed to a cause after years of play. As much as I love it here, I am far less morally invested due to time as I was there. It would take far less to jump of a sinking ship here than it did there.

So, once again, I plead with the powers that be. Look at your overall direction, learn from what brought you your initial player influx, and do not repeat those same mistakes. Bring back more deterministic approaches for us min/maxers who are not “noobs”. You can still leave in systems for newer players to the game, but please remember that a large portion of your player base are going to be experienced players who like to min/max and not run around subject to the gods of RNG (for noobs).

Sorry once again for a massive wall of text. I think as I type, and the more I type, the more thoughts become clearer.


I strongly share this sentiment. I praised the previous crafting system as one that respected the players time and agency. Having the system be more deterministic was what made it stand out from many other crafting systems found in games.

Time has passed and my feelings remain the same. The new crafting system is a huge step backwards from what it was before. In the time that I have played since the update I hardly ever use it, since it requires too many other RNG variables to align in your favour to even bother. I’ve even reworked my loot-filter in hopes of getting decent bases, but the system is not as enjoyable or useful as it was before.

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I really don’t have an issue with keys, but why in God’s green earth are they not stackable, or kept in a resource library like runes? I have enough keys for 2 stash tabs, and it’s ridiculous that traditional storage space is wasted on them.


Probably because they prioritise other things over making that change (which was requested back when the Temporal Sanctum was introduced).

You mean 0? I still haven’t gotten any keys for the two new dungeons. At all. I have no idea what they are even like inside. They might as well not exist.

:thinking: may i ask how much u play each session? You only can have 0 drops when you level your chars until you can select your mastery. In monolith you get so many keys. They drop alot once you reach a certain zone level.

I’d say I’ve run at least 1000 Monos (not empowered). 0 new keys, and maybe 3 Temporal keys.

We are talkin about the same game right?:rofl: i mean i can only talk for myself and what i heard from friends/watched on stream. They drop alot.

Yep, 0 new dungeon keys in 1000 monos. Seems broken to me.

You are on 0.8.5 aren’t you?

Yeah, I don’t think there’s a way to not be.

Yeah, but zero keys for the new dungeons in 1,000 monos just isn’t feasible.

I may be wrong, but 1-2 keys drop from each monolith boss.