Dungeon checkpoint

Would you consider making it so getting to the boss in a dungeon is sort of a checkpoint and if you die to a boss, you can only repeat the boss fight without the need to go through the entire dungeon? Every attempt at the boss could cost keys, thats fine I think, its just the need to clear the whole dungeon before 1 attempt at the boss thats in my opinion a mistake.

Currently, the death to a boss is IMHO extremely punishing especially for new or casual players. I personally play a lot but I am not very mechanical skilled player and I find the dungeons not fun at all as any mistake you make can set you back 15 - 20 minutes easily as you need to go through the dungeon again.

In my opinion this is not very player friendly as you need to invest lot of time into trying to learn the boss fight and it gets discouraging quickly if you keep getting killed by the boss. Please reconsider this mechanic as it will cost you a lot of more casual players in a long run who will just get frustrated by the dungeons which are otherwise very cool. Thanks :slight_smile:


True. Every key could have 2 parts. Or you will be able spend 2 keys. One as a price for checkpoint.

The Temporal Sanctum is overly complicated and frustrating. Its maze-like structure seems to serve no purpose other than to extend gameplay artificially, leading to significant annoyance. The necessity to navigate through walls and lengthy pathways to access doors detracts from the gaming experience, pushing me towards considering uninstallation. The addition of 2-3 portals similar to those in Path of Exile, specifically before boss encounters, could greatly alleviate this frustration by allowing players to practice the boss fights without nerfing the bosses themselves.

Furthermore, implementing portals for all game bosses would significantly enhance the player experience. Currently, the requirement to grind through Monoliths only to lose against a boss and forfeit progress is disheartening and detracts from the game’s appeal. Providing players with a few attempts before losing progress would make the game more engaging and less punishing, encouraging continued play instead of leading to frustration-induced uninstallation. However, the challenge of bosses must remain intact; thus, the bosses should not be nerfed.

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Yep. That mechanic made me quit PoE (labyrinth) and dungeons here make me want to quit LE as well. By the time I get to the boss, I’m so stressed out about dying, that it’s pretty much guaranteed I’m going to die.

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Yeah, let me pay with another key the new boss attempt, but if I can’t fight a boss multiple time in a short time span it’s hard to lean it’s movest, and also learn what type of attack you should dodge no matter what

I think the opportunity to try the boss again for the price of a key is a good one.

Unpopular opinion here, based on something someone earlier said… I was actually telling a friend today how I like the setup of the first two levels of the dungeons, with the changing barriers, making it more mazelike. I don’t think it should be such that you can just memorize how to get to the next level. And especially for Temporal Sanctum. It makes you use the dungeon mechanic more! When people say they don’t want the barriers changing location, what I hear is that people want just the boss and resent doing the dungeon itself. I’m sure there are many games where you can just fight bosses and not deal with anything else, but since this isn’t one of those games, just lean into it and have some fun with it.

Yes to this. I just quit my latest play session because I got all the way to the boss and died to a one-shot mechanic I didn’t know about… and could never have known about without looking it up (temporal sanctum, didn’t swap dimensions or whatever).

I was flabbergasted. I couldn’t believe the game was forcing me to not only lose a key permanently, but have to re-run the ENTIRE dungeon in order to try the boss again. That’s insane.

EHG already confirmed it’s bad design having to rerun the whole dungeon and they will change that at some point. And no, you don’ have to read a guide to use the D key when the boss casts a screen wide AoE.

I really enjoy temporal sanctum but having to run it for eternity cache sucks alot of the fun out of it. What i really want is something similar to endless arena where each floor increases corruption instead of a modifier and random boss rooms every few floors.

Would be a much better competitive mode than arena too since you can go at your own pace.