Dungeon buggs

Literally every dungeon is bugged, Temporal sanctum loading screen stuck, lightless arbor and soulfire bastion character stuck. is impossible to play this game, and this only happend in dungeons, and the best part about it is, this was happening at the release also. So we are almost 6 months in the game and 1 of the game core contennt is bugged. GJ

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i just spend 2 hours of my life trying to complete Lightless arbor for my BiS boots. I compelted 1 run of idk how many, every time in the middle of dungeon my character stop moving, i can use spells but thats all, everything disaappear and after few mins of nothing i get disconnect,. and no is not my connection, i can be whole day doing Monoliths and this never happend, but when i try to do dungeon, every time do.

been BEGGING EHG for a response for a week now bro, its time to throw in the towel and start league start practicing for settlers of kalguur homie. lost a customer with this one…

btw i have to say, about 20 runs Teporal sanctum today, everything worked fine. Idk if they did something but is fine today!

They did f’all… 5 runs right now 100% key loss as hang on loading screen between areas.

managed to lose 8 sanctum keys in a row and now 2 lightless arbor back to back desync / freeze w/e the fk it is