Dual wield any type of weapon/ shield?

Any option coming up to allow us to dual wield any type of weapons? Or shields?

Just thinking it would open up more possibilities.

Itā€™s restricted for thematic reasons, so probably not, no.

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I doubt it will happen, because of the game balance. If it does, I expect a much heavier penalty than the current 9% more damage taken.

Just imagine being able to use 2 mad alchemistā€™s ladles, or 2 triboelectras. It would break the game.

Iā€™m not saying they should let everyone do it, but those classes can can dual wield are limited to a sword for the most part. Different specs have different requirements, but it would be nice to be able to dual wield maces for those mace builds.

Also, when you dual wield, you canā€™t even use an offhand item, so you need to find somewhere else for the resists/ other off hand specific affixes. There is a trade off.

If you want to dual wield shields, Grim Dawn has your back (sort of) :slight_smile:

You can currently dual wield daggers, axes and swords (some masteries can only do some of them). This means that unique axes and swords are created with this in mind. Maces and other weapon types were created with the assumption that you can only use one of them. Being able to use two would require either changing those uniques or inflicting a heavier penalty.

For example, Renegadeā€™s Will give +3 to +5 to vengeance and 35% to 53% multiplicative hit damage. If you could use 2 of them youā€™d potentially have +10 to vengeance and over 100% multiplicative hit damage.
This would also apply to exalted ones and the affixes you can use.

Itā€™s also a thematic thing, like Llama pointed out. Those 3 weapon types are commonly dual wielded in literature and there are plenty of real life examples of them. The rest of the weapon types really arenā€™t. I canā€™t think of any example in literature, movies or real life where someone dual wields sceptres. Or a sceptre with a sword.

Itā€™s the reason why Mike would rather create a 1h spear than allowing a class to wield a 2h spear with a shield. Because the theme is also important.

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If itā€™s about themes, then where is staff + sword? I want my Gandalf! :slight_smile: LOTRO allows it with Loremaster class.

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Probably copyrighted :laughing:
Also, it would have to be a 1h-staff, which LE doesnā€™t currently have.

Itā€™s funny you mention Renegadeā€™s Will, because thatā€™s EXACTLY the weapon I was thinking of when I made the post. I have four 3 LP versions of them sitting in my bank with +5 to Vengeance, and I was looking for a way to dual wield them.

My Beastmaster is currently dual wielding Apogee of the Frozen Light, and having the +6 to skills rocks. Wanted to take it to the next character with different weapons.

As for theme reasons, I think that not doing something like this is kind of a cop out. Oh, weā€™re making our fantasy game on theme and because nobody has used something before, we donā€™t want to do it hereā€¦ like, give me a break.

Dual wield one handed maces should be just as acceptable as daggers/ swords for thematic purposes in the make believe world of the game. As for the penalty, SURE, throw it in there, give people the option to use it.

Iā€™m not saying there shouldnā€™t be a down sideā€¦ .Iā€™m just saying we should have the ability to pick and choose what goes into each of our hands. Itā€™s not like you couldnā€™t just put down the shield and pick up a mace in your ā€œoff handā€. Hell, you could probably pick up a mace WHILE the shield was still on your arm.

I donā€™t understand people defending the status quoā€¦ think outside the box and get the devs to do so as well.

Yes, thatā€™s part of the balance I mentioned. Apogee is balanced so that you can have +3 or have +6 if you give up on defense. Renegadeā€™s already has +5 and would turn into +10. Not only that, the damage multiplier on Apogee is half the damage multiplier on Renegade.
Both weapons were balanced taking into account whether or not you can use one or two of them.

Just because itā€™s a fantasy game, doesnā€™t mean that rules go out the window. For example, thereā€™s nothing stopping them letting us dual wield 2h weapons for any class, but it would look weird to see a mage casting fireballs and holding 2 2h swords.

Some people donā€™t care about that, others do. Character identity (of which this is a part of) is very important to some people. Which is why only a few classes/masteries can dual wield.

Also, you could use that same argument and say that any mastery should be able to use Fireball. Or multishot. Or summon golem. After all, itā€™s a fantasy game. Limiting which skills a mastery can have is a cop out.

Sure. But that would require re-balancing the game to account for that. Meaning that some uniques, like Renegadeā€™s, would be nerfed. Or that dual wielding some weapon types would come with a 20% more damage taken penalty, rather than the current 9%.

EHG tends to think outside the box. But they also tend to pay close attention to the theme. As I said, to some players the theme is very important to the character identity.
Some people donā€™t care and treat an ARPG as a number simulator where all that matters is ā€œNumber Go Upā€. Others enjoy having restraints to their character that contribute to its identity.

While I understand your points, I think they could deal with some of the issues you bring up without breaking the game or causing them to need to do much work. They already have the mechanic in the game on other dual wield skills where you get different bonuses depending on the weapon used.

So, in this case, they could do something like ā€œmace in offhand, - 2 skill points to Venganceā€ or a damage penalty to your melee damage, or the mentioned 20% defense penalty.

There are options to deal with potential game breaking dual wields, they just need to give us the options and see what people do with it.

As for the theme element, yeaā€¦ people are into the theme, and thatā€™s fine, but when I created this post all I was thinking of was how cool it would be to have my beefy pally type character wading into battle smashing minions with 2 hammers. I donā€™t even know what that would look like skill tree wise, but damn I would love to get there and find out.

That is actually another issue with this. Those weapon types donā€™t have model animations for them in the off-hand. They would all have to be created. Which, when you consider that there are still missing animations from currently possible things in the game, would require yet more time.

To be clear, Iā€™m not opposed to dual wielding maces or spears or other kinds of weapons in itself. Iā€™d like them to make sense thematically, but there are combinations which you could reasonably allow without breaking this.
Iā€™m mostly pointing out that this would require lots of changes due to balance and to new animations required, and so I think this is down on the priority list.

My initial reply was simply to point out that allowing this would have to come with many balance changes and penalties, since your initial point didnā€™t seem to consider them. But it was not an opposition to the idea itself, which is why I started with ā€œI doubt it will happenā€.

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Yeaā€¦ thatā€™s all fair. But I would love to hear the devs put it on the list of updates to come in the future. Just something I think the community can ask for them to consider. It would be nice for them to let us know how much actual work is involved. I would assume that with the digital models, it would be ā€œeasyā€ enough to take the existing hand model and reverse them to make them the opposite hand.

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Avowed will probably have dual wielding wands, so there goes that theme. How about dual wielding off-hand catalysts? Just change the name i suppose?

Really, nothing should be off the table. For dual wield shields/ catalysts you are already giving up some damage affixes, but youā€™re gaining some defense affixes/ armor/ etc. Iā€™d love to see some different types of builds come from using 2 different shields/ catalysts that change the skills used where you normally can only choose one.

You can dual wield shields in Last Epoch.

Technically you canā€™t. Itā€™s still an axe, even if it looks like a shield. I remember wasting a bunch of prophecies and RoAs on shields before I remembered it was an axe. :rofl:

To be fair to the devs, if they provided this for everything someone in the community asked for it would take a considerable amount of time for them and at what benefit?

The benefit to us is that if they are not going to consider it, and IF there was enough of the community asking for it, THEN maybe just let us know that itā€™s something that they are not going to do due to the amount of work. Or, they they plan on it but it will just take a significant amount of time due to the amount of work involved, then let us know that as well.

I am a major advocate for as much communication as possible as many people here can attest, but we have to be realistic about what we can expect.

In this case, I think at least something from the devs no what they are planning to incorporate or have no desire to incorporate for whatever reason would be nice. But there would have to first be enough community interest in the specific subject first.

As most know, I believe ALL of the information the devs put out on what is coming or what they have decided against should be here on the official Forum and not solely on Discord, Twitch, or any other platform. Itā€™s ok to put that out on those platforms but we should not have to rely on them to get the information.


If youā€™re taking that point of view, why canā€™t I ā€œDWā€ 2 2h weapons and a shield? Or 2 shields as well as 2 2h weapons? Why do I have to bother having stats on the gear I want when I can just have every single stat I want on every piece of gear at T10,000,000,000 values? Itā€™s magic bruh!

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No, thatā€™s not what is happening here with dual-wield. Calling it a cop-out is ignoring how much work it would take to redo one-handers at this stage, when you can already dual-wield virtually all of the things. You can see that maces have different stats, affixes, and specialties than axes and swords do ā€¦ Each weapon type is unique in what it provides, and what builds it benefits. Each type plays a role.

You just have to pick the correct class for your taste in weapon types. If you prefer dual swords then Primalist or Sentinel is best. If you prefer daggers then Rogue is best. For dual axes, Primalist is best. Maces only being in the main hand makes sense for how big the one-hand maces are (if we want to tempt realismā€¦) Unfortunately for your renegadeā€™s will, itā€™s a mace so wielding it in your off-hand is not possible. But you can still use it in your main-hand and find a complimentary off-hand.

But to allow 100% dual-wield weapon type freedom may require EHG to remake all the one-hand weapons and change their stats to be homogeneous, rather than axes, swords, and maces all having various different jobs. It may be a complete rebalance which is kind of silly at this point, considering all the higher priority features EHG is focused on releasing/updating/fixing.