Druid PSA - How 70% DR on Transform Works

I specifically want to make a build that revolves around changing to and from Swarmblade form to make use of the passive, so if it doesn’t give you the DR when you transform due to lack of mana, the build is not going to work.

From going through the patch notes and Ctr+f-ing - I didn’t not see any changes to Druid.
I plan to test it with release and will report here, so check in a couple of days (I’ll reply to you).

Of course there aren’t many builds that do that, because the passive is not working!

I tried for many hours to specifically make a build that uses this passive. It would be cool if you could actually build around it.

THIS WAS NEVER FIXED! The damage reduction from the passive still works as before (see OP) in 1.0. Kinda sad… :slightly_frowning_face: