What’s up with this ability? It makes necromancer just the most annoying class to play.
it’s almost required for every build, have to cast it every few seconds and can’t target the correct minion properly hardly ever at all.
then if you miss you have to wait for the silly long CD to re apply it.
On controller too you might as well not use it because it just takes too long to get it up and running.
It’s a cool game but silly design choices like this just ruin it for me.
I’ve seen threads about this exact issue 3 years old so I doubt it’s gonna get changed but I have to let you know what I think before I stop playing.
Regarding how it is required in every summoning build, I think the issue is that EHG doesn’t want to nerf it, but it will take a lot of rework on Necro’s other skills so people can justify for not using it (I was trying not to use it, but it is way too good not to use it as a Necro).
Same thing is happening with Void Knight’s Volatile Reversal. Dev Mike once said if he had the resources, he would want to rework the whole skill tree so Volatile Reversal isn’t a must in every Sentinel’s build.
I think Dread Shade needs to be removed from the game completely and replaced with a completely different skill.
It’s too powerful not to use, and probably can’t be nerfed without making it unusable. From a gameplay perspective it’s boring - it’s just a damage multiplier with no depth to it - and using it sucks because maintenance buffs suck.
I quite enjoy its power level. But I am a fan of solo minion builds where it actually is really neat.
its much less interesting on multi minion builds because it has no cooldown, your minions die with it all the time, and it gives less buffs.(but still to much to drop)
But I really dont think this design is leaving. Shaman just got a rehash, and what happened? it got storm bolt a mechanic you basically should always be using on shaman because tons of its power is wrapped into its unique mechanics with stormbolt. Half its passive tree is dedicated to storm bolt. So if you dont run gathering storm and get stormbolts on shaman… why are you shaman?
Dreadshade probably just needs some kinda rework that make it more interesting. Tbh I think for me all I care about is needing to have to keep recasting it for no reason. if it was simply made permanent I would be fine.