Dread shade and zoo build

HI am playing the aaron’s will zoo build and watched his video guide but he doesnt say which minions we are supposed to cast the dread shade on. just the golem or all of them? do we need to cast dread shade when running echoes or just for bosses?

I’m sure he would answer you on his twitch stream if you ask him directly. Pretty responsive dude … He may even respond to a youtube comment on that video.

I’ll try but anyone here knows? how does dread shade work if you have 10 or more minions ? does it go on all of them when i cast it or do i need to cast it individually on all of them? or it doesnt matter? i feel like when you have an army you should have enough damage without the extra boost

With the risk of sounding like a douche:
Did you even read the ability Tooltip or just blindly copy the build?

I don’t know the build specifics and how dread shade is spec’ed.
Baseline it grants all its buffs to all minions inside its radius, including the minion it’s on

Then there are 3 major keynodes changing its functionality.

All for one: Only buffs the affected minion
Spectral Distance: Buffs minions outside the radius
Enemy of my enemies: Dread Shade is now attached to enemies instead of allies


It will also depend a lot on which video you watched, considering there are many Aaron’s Will builds available, all with their different specs.

yes i read the tooltip, it just wasnt real clear to me. so all minion get the buff. gotcha. ty for answer

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It’s good that you got the answer, but I wasn’t the one telling you to read the tooltip :laughing:

i know i just dont know how to quote people here. i am new to the forum :slight_smile:

Just highlight the text, as if you were going to copy/paste and a “quote” option will appear.
Also, you can directly reply to them using the “Reply” button that appears to the right of the post you want to reply to.

ok got it. thanks!


There’s also Lone Watcher: Only One Dread Shade but it lasts x2 longer!

Can I get a link to this build video? Who is “he”?

this is the one i watched.

Thanks. I think that design could get a bit farther if the zombies where built to be ward generators. I run an Arrons build that got just shy of 600c (im at 580 right now).

Personally i cant see any justification with Aarons, it not only forces you to waste a slot for skeletons in order to maximize it (that you cant even utilize), the golems dont do enough damage and cant get anywhere fast enough, in addition to horrible AI.

Umm you can get 3 golems without slotting skellies. Yes getting the 4th golem is a waste. But +2 golems and a full slot of anything other than skelly’s are better than 1 set of 11 skellies. Also the implicates on Arron’s are great. I am at 597 right now. Not many zoo builds beat 600.

In a Zoo build the only thing that competes with Arrons is Exanguuis and that low life high ward build style is going to be nerfed.

3 golems with no items or focusing into it? At the moment the item is WAY to much of an opportunity cost for so so minions that dont like to leave your side, get pushed everywhere, dont do near enough damage. It should be 3 not 4 skele, and should not prevent you from summoning skele. It is very evident that the devs hate perm pets and force necro to give up almost everything to make the pets mediocre perm pet.

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Well Im pretty darn happy with my Arrons Build. It’s not getting any nerfs and I would love to see a skelly zoo build, that is not about to nerfed, that pushes well beyond cc600.

i’m happy with the build as well and leveled it to 94, my only issue is that i have to re summon all minions one by one after i die. i stopped playing the build for now because of this. late game this issue becomes too annoying to deal with. i cant believe this is a thing in this game. even in a punishing game like poe, permanent minions stay alive if the player dies.

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I agree 100% minions should resurrect when you do.