Drain Life + Necrotic Feast unusable with controller

When Drain Life is converted to target minions instead of enemies via the Hecatomb and Necrotic Feast nodes, it becomes nearly impossible to use effectively with a controller. Aim-assist will still attempt to target enemies, and since there’s no way to direct the channeling target on a controller, it almost never hits a minion


If it’s unusable just with controller, maybe a bug report might be better than feedback.

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Not sure if this is a controller issue or an aim assist issue. Both are problematic at the moment.

Controller issues are likely to be around for some time still - Mike said they hope to have all of the issues resolved in time for 1.0.

Aim assist issues have become worse for some skills and playstyles with 0.9 vs older patches and the devs responded - see below

and then perhaps this is a problem specific to these skills… :crazy_face:

yep id play flamewraith with a controller but because of the lack of autosnapping to my minions i cannot. if you read this please adress this controller function is would be amazing.


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