Which shows how important such a feature is to some players.
It’s not about “necessary”. Of course it is isn’t necessary. It’s about what players want. I want it.
I think you missed the point. It is impossible to do this because there are so many unknowns. I absolutely guarantee that if you took the flat tooltip dps value (which is an ESTIMATE by the game and always will be) and then compared to an accurate one calculated over real time by hitting the dummy, the 2 numbers will be nowhere near each other.
Isn’t the point of the suggestion forum that we do not want to settle with something, we want something better? I can already do what you suggest RIGHT NOW with the dps tooltip we have, but that’s rubbish, inaccurate and non-useful. That figure is not going to become any more accurate than it currently is.
Aside: Any reason Chaos Bolt does not report a dps figure?
something those torchlight devs mentioned about that dummy, was something like ’ the dps dummy doesnt actually truly help you because it doesnt fight back’.
which is true. every millisecond you are not attacking or have to move, drops your dps no matter what, but at least you have a shiny number that = estimate, not matter how exact it is.
still being worked on, i guess, but im sure sooner or later it will have the same “dps value (which is an ESTIMATE by the game and always will be)”.
anyway. one of the dev stream videos Mike answered someone’s question on the topic of more advanced dps tracking and he said no.
you can find it yourself, either last weeks video or the week before, on twitch search for ‘Last Epoch Q&A Dev Stream’
Yeah, I remember this, though I can’t find the video. I was pretty sure it was one of AaronRPG’s videos but I can’t find it. And I don’t feel like watching 2h videos looking for that
But yes, Mike said they don’t want to put DPS meter in. Which doesn’t mean it will never happen, though. There have been things in the past they said they wouldn’t do and then ended up doing anyway.
It’s pretty simple to estimate the resource requirements.
The DPS meter doesn’t write anything to the server, therefore it is possible to do all calculations on the client’s side, so total added server memory/computing power cost will be exactly 0.
For ppl who want to cheat with the meter, this won’t give them actual in-game advantage, they will only be able to make screenshots with fake DPS numbers and possibly get banned for cheating, as it would require messing with a game’s client so possibly detectable.
As for implementation:
Upon starting the DPS meter the game creates something like a c++ list. Each time any dummy takes damage from the player’s source, it is added to the list as something like c++ pair containing timestamp and damage number.
Each second the list is iterated over, removing all values with timestamp < current timestamp - 60 sec, and summing all other values’ damage. Divide by min(60, time since meter’s activation).
This will not make any noticable impact on player’s client performance. Maybe if they are doing millions of hits per second it will, at this point the game will struggle even without the meter on. Also it is optional and should only work in one area, and only affect player’s PC.
The only potential problem is whether or not they can distinguish between damage numbers from different players or between sources of damage when an object (target dummy) takes damage. If they can, they just need to record all numbers from a player that activated a DPS meter. If the arena area is separate for each player (idk never seen anyone else there), then it’s non-issue either way.
Worst case, they will need to add a player’s ID to each instance of damage that’s being sent to the function displaying dmg numbers on the screen, now that may take some work depending on how things are implemented.
I stopped reading there. There is so much calculation and theory(crafting) in D2, a 25 year old game, that it would blow your mind. I have personally written a model to calculate Crushing Blow in D2, because the D2Planner was not doing it right, and I can tell you the complexity is huge for just a “simple” mechanic, let alone Last Epoch which is insanely complicated.
All they need to do is provide raw combat logs. Just look at WoW’s combat log, it’s been there since the start (2004).
Edit for clarification: addons parse the combat log in real time and provide summary, DPS, overall damage, and anything else you care to see.
They can also provide an addon scripting system so users can write addons. I personally play Necro and find it very hard to track minions (top left of screen) and at the same time look out for ground effects and one shot mechanics. With an addon I would change the screen to show me what I need to know in the centre. This is just an example.