Double T7s

Normally I wouldn’t do this but, and I would’ve stuck this in one of the class categories here on the forum but um, I’m not quite sure what I should do with this. It dropped just like this. Double t7s, the t5 channel and the shock chance.

But I feel like this has at least some massive potential, even if it’s saving it for a LP3 or LP4 unique staff? (I actually have an L3 Dragonflame Edict.)

Any thoughts, build ideas before I do something stupid and screw it up? :rofl:

Either Seal the shock chance or try & Chaos it into something else. And/or try & roll the modifiers into higher numerical values.

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Sealing the shock chance has 69% to seal and even if that fails the next T3 seal would still be 34,5% chance.

So I would definitely go with the sealing. If both fail you can still reroll one time with Glyph of Chaos.

Staves only have 11 suffixes, so on your staff there would be 9 possible outcomes.
Slow, chill or blind chance are probably the best suffixes.

Whatever happens, even if everything fails and you still have FP left, you should definitely try a Rune of Refinement. Both T7 affixes are in the medium roll range.

At the end of the day it is up to you, cou could try 3 Glyph of Chaos, with a roughly 9 in 10 chance (not quite because affixes are also weighted) and the risk of critical success, which would reduce your try count to 2.

I personally think 2 time sealing and one time chaos, if the sealing fails is the better approach.
But I guess it depends on how picky you are with the suffixes you would be happy with.
If you are happy with blind, chill or slow on hit and don’t want any one in particular, then 3x glyph of chaos is probably the better bet.


I don’t think I would combine it with a unique. Maybe if you found a 4LP Dragonflame Edict (I don’t know if that is even possible). It seems too good to risk losing one of the T7’s. This item will be pretty great for ignite builds. Warlock coming up and various Sentinel builds.

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@Llama8 and @Heavy

Yeah, the sealing stuff I’m definitely going to wait on until I figure out WHAT to use it for. Good reminder on the rune of refinement.

Apparently it’s possible but since the chance of a t3 is 0.19% the likelihood of a t4 is so low as to be virtually 0.

Since the t5 channeling is on there I can’t decide if I should be looking at trying to do something with a channeling skill (I know most of them nobody really likes.) I should definitely save it for 1.0 after Warlock is in, just in case.

No rush really, but it definitely made me sit up when I saw it and realized the two t7s were at the very least compatible.

Maybe something with Fireball and Meteor? I also have a t3 Harbinger of Stars. Be sort of hilarious to watch mana drain that fast. :man_shrugging:

Isn’t the new warlock channeling skill Fire/Necrotic?

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I immediately thought about Warpath ignite and Ghostflame ignite.

Even mage could do a channeled Fireball ignite build. I’ve seen someone rolling around with an ignite mage already, just wasn’t channeled.


You could wait for 1.0 andcheck if CoF will increase those odds (which it should). Maybe it will be achievable then.

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It is by default, can’t remember whether it’s a DoT or not though .

Are these the same thing? I have to admit, I’m not up on Warlock. I wanted to be ‘surprised’ when 1.0 drops. Even been avoiding most CT stuff as well to start fresh at 1.0.

Ghostflame is the new Warlock channelled skill. It does fire/necrotic by default.

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As other’s said, try the sealing\re-rolling and then perhaps use a Rune of Creation AFTER seal and reroll tries assuming you still have at least 1 FP left. This will let you use one and or make two shots at a cache transfer.

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just vaal it

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Vaal it 4Head

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