Double Shift skill going back to same spot anyone else?

I have it where I can shift(dash skill) twice but sometimes when I do it I’ll shift backwards to where I previously was. Does this happen to anyone else? Any fix?

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is it possible all movement skills act weird?

my shield rush acts really weird sometimes. like teleporting me to the wall it was headed to instead of doing the animation. sometimes it’s a huge distance too lol

Shield rush (and all channeling movement skills, iirc) are kinda bugged. Especially if you just tap the skill instead of holding it. It’s still one of the best movement skills, allowing you to travel across a whole map sometimes. Unless you trip on an unseen rock, but that is also a known issue :stuck_out_tongue:

The double shift thing seems more like rubberbanding, but it might be a bug with the skill. Best to report it in-game when it happens.

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All movement skills are wonky. I think this is maybe connected to the servers beeing stressed ^^.

figured playing offline would avoid server issues.

I don’t see it as rubberbanding since it takes both charges. The shift back is clean its just annoying to shift back to where I previously was.

I’m just leveling a rogue now, and have 2 charges on Shift, and it’s doing this randomly to me too. Offline play. It’ll randomly shift a 2nd time either back to where I was or just a random other direction, and I’m definitely only tapping the key once.

Yeah, I am still getting the same issue. I die a good amount due to dashing back to the original spot. Any idea as to if this is getting looked into?

Just wanted to confirm I am experiencing this bug even in offline mode in the current cycle patch (March 2025).

I am unable to reproduce it outside of combat, but it happened twice - both times in my first (and second) fight against the first arena boss, where I was spamming movement (force move) and dash (space bar) and the teleport skill all at once, and got “rubber-banded” back to where I started (and died - very annoying).

I am also experiancing this from time to time in offline mode. But it happens rarely, still frustrating though :smirk:

Mike has confirmed on stream that this is fixed in 1.2, I believe.

Oh that’s good to hear if true. :+1:

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