Dont Lock Hard Mode

Hi there! I played Last Epoch a while ago. I found exceptionally easy to the point where i stopped playing from boredom. (I know it gets harder at monolith but I just could not continue with no challenge). I already play hardcore, and I know there is a “hard mode” but you have to complete the game to unlock it!

Please just allow us to unlock the hard mode from the start. What benefit is there to locking it behind a wall? It just makes early backers like me that like a challenge frustrated.

Right now it’s not available.
They plan to bring it back at some point iirc

Hey :slight_smile: Thanks for the info, any reason they removed?

I don’t know if that’s the actual reason they disabled it, but right now the game still has a few bugs and performance issues which negatively affect hardcore players. Just the other day I was in an echo and all my skills were suddenly disabled, including the portal.
I expect that hardcore players wouldn’t enjoy much having a character die because of a bug.

Once the game is more stable, I expect hardcore will be enabled again.

Hardcore =/= Masochist (hard mode)
Masochist is disabled, I can’t remember why a’d I think since 0.9 and mp.
I am pretty sure it will be brought back.
Maybe @AndrewTilley (sorry to ping you like this) can enlighten us.

Masochist was iirc monster have 50% increased life and dmg

Masochist mode is gone and will not return.

We have an alternative solution planned for players who wish to opt in to a harder difficulty planned.


I see Mike already answered, but here’s Mike’s similar answer during the latest dev stream:

Oh right, sorry. I got mixed up with the terms. So Masochist (or the new system that will replace it eventually) would me something akin to Veteran on Grim Dawn, except it only has difficulty and no upside?

On a similar note, kinda sidetracking on this issue, will LE have difficulty tiers? Doesn’t seem likely, considering the systems in place, which are already taking into account endgme scaling, but I was curious about plans for this.

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Sad. Some of the most amusing & interesting gameplay I had in LE was in Masochist. Especially since the campaign is so eye-gougingly easy.

It also reduced your damagd out by 50%.

Presumably but we have no idea of any of the details.

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Always a tough balancing act…

I think Grim Dawn fails, in the sense that there is pretty much no reason NOT to play veteran. It is only marginally harder for the first few bosses, and the extra xp gets your character more ready for the next difficulty level. Normal is pointless, veteran would have to be harder to be a proper choice.

On the other hand, rather surprisingly, masochist in LE used to be REALLY hard. Much more than GD’s veteran. As the normal campaign is the easiest of all competitors, we were really jumping from one extreme to another.

I would love to see something in between, and I believe that’s what EHG is working on.
But as I said, finding the sweet spot is very hard (and probably different for each player, to make matters worse…).


My understanding is hard mode was disabled when 0.9 mp update was released.

Reason is. The devs didnt have time to bring that mode up to par with MP. By that i mean balancing it. At least thats what i heard from one of the devs.

It was never balanced in the first place, it was just hard.

That is true.

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