Using the Trident of Last Abyss which has the proc “100% chance to cast abyssal echo on melee kill (4 sec cooldown)”. I have Abyssal Echo as a specialised skill.
Does it actually proc the Abyssal Echo skill as specialised or does it proc a “default base” version of the skill irrespective of your own specialisation of the skill?
If I manually use the Abyssal Echo skill, I get the little Abyssal Infusion icon for 4 seconds and I am able to see recasts.
When the Trident procs, I do not get the same Abyssal Infusion Icon and I do not see recasts (although its a little more difficult to see when killing mobs).
Not sure if this is a bug or as intended as some of the other skills that can proc, like Smite (proc from idols) proc the specalised version of the skill.
Thanks in advance.