Does Salt the Wound's interaction with Crit Multiplier work with Crit Multiplier from skill trees?

Or only crit multiplier on the character sheet?

EDIT: What about Throwing Crit Multiplier, like on Li’Raka’s Claws? (Not at all? Only for throwing attacks?)

EDIT 2: Well, won’t work with claws since they’re both gloves. Derp.

I believe it’s all general crit multi but not throwing/melee/spell crit multi.

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So it does include crit multipler from the skill tree for the skill you’re using, so long as it’s general crit multiplier?

It should do.

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OOOooooh. Off to the build planner. Thanks Llama!

Wait a min just to clarify if I am understanding correctly with sentinel as example.
Void Cleave’s champion of the void will not be used for Salt the wound as it is crit multi but only for void cleave.
Holy Aura’s Extreme zeal gives general crit to all allies, this will be aused by Salt the wound.
Correct ? or does the void cleave example also work ?

Apparently I was wrong (don’t tell @boardman21), since I don’t have the gloves I didn’t read the alt text which clearly states that it doesn’t convert any crit multi from within skill trees.

Oh. Damnit. Ok well ty for letting us know Llama, I didn’t even see that text. I won’t tell @boardman21. Nobody tell @boardman21.

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

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