Does corruption of 200 make it more likely for Unique items will drop with higher LP values than at 100?

I am just wondering because I have received 3 Uniques with 3LP on them so far, a handful of uniques with 2LP, and a crap ton of 1LP Uniques and have yet to raise my corruption past 100 in empowered Monoliths.

You’re more likely to get uniques with higher corruption, so yes, but only indirectly (more uniques → more uniques with higher lp).

As we are aware, for LP is tied to area level, so you cannot rise chances above L100 area level (all empowered has this level), you only can rise the chances of legendaries to drop.

ah ok so it is probably best to take the corruption as high as my character can handle then in order to get a better Unique drop rate, and subsequentally, better chances at higher LP gear then. Got it. Thanks all for taking the time to reply :slight_smile:

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