Do you guys think Eternal Realms will have an active merchants guild?

Not sure if i should reroll for the new cicle…

Legacy (eternal is D4) should, in theory, have a more active market than cycles do, because players will keep placing items there over time, rather than everything getting wiped every few months.
That being said, at launch there will be no differences between cycle and legacy, including the market. But legacy will have the advantage of fully leveled players that can farm favour/ranks immediately and already have gold to spend, so in theory it should kick off much faster.


Thank you.

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Legacy will have the most active market from my point of view but it will be so expensive sooner then later that it might be useless to a big part of the playerbase that isn’t nolifing the market.

Really? My experience would say otherwise. The more time passes, the more prices will go down, because you will have more of the same things to offer, so you will have to start selling cheaper to actually sell. Not to mention that once you get that BiS item, you don’t usually need to buy another one, but they will keep dropping.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see :slight_smile:

Sure there will be a lot of “trash items” that are pretty cheap but worthwhile items will become more and more expensive.

hard disagree, why would it be expensive when every character out of cycle and their items will enter legacy? Most people have most items over there so most items will be cheaper imo because theyre is less demand. Top tier items on the other hand with hard to get LP rolls will probably be really expensive since its harder to get (and most people probably dont have those yet).

We will have to see, but I really expect the opposite to happen. It will start expensive, especially because legacy players have gold to spend, but once you buy a BiS helmet for your runemaster or 2 you don’t actually need to buy more. But they will continue dropping over time. And the more there are in the market, the more prices will lower. This will happen more with the regular BiS items, like Bis exalted items, since those will be more common.

It’ll be intresting to see for sure.

Inflation. I had billions of gold at one point in the past and I’m pretty sure I won’t sell items for 100k because that’s a fart in the wind. On top of it if there is a big legacy playerbase (I can only hope there will be one so LE has even more players) there is always need for good items.

TBH I could be absolutely wrong about it but from my experience this is what always happened in every game with trading i ever played.

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Yes, but the fact that you can’t resell the items you buy does make a difference. Much of the inflation in PoE comes from this.

this exactly and this is i believe one of the main reasons EHG added those restrictions. I think Mike mentioned it aswell in one of his streams (not 100% sure)

Yeah but beeing unable to resell items also increases the demand. Now that i think of it I maybe just now some strange dudes. Most people I know make builds for each toon and don’t transfer items between them. So they buy 6 tabulas in one PoE league for example. Makes 0 sense to me but most of the people I know make equip builds for each toon they play instead of reusing good for all builds items over many toons. In short they buy a ton of useless crap and high end gear ^^.

Some people might do that still. It’s annoying having to switch gear between characters. You switch and then you forgot that you also had to switch the gear, so you switch back to the other character to place stuff on the stash so you can switch back again and equip it. I know, because that happens to me a lot in D2.

I think legacy MG will be dead in the long term.

There are games like Hero Siege where I keep my stuff on each toon because it’s easy to make miney but I’m not the kind of person that wastes money to to by 5 times the same early game item that is reuseable over and over again ^^. Imagine you play two VKs and you want a 3LP maw on each one… lol ^^.

And than you want to try a different build so you have to switch all the gear.
You find out the build is meh so you have to switch back to your old gear

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