Do Totems get minion/companion node benefits?

Just curious if i invest points in nodes that increase health to minions/companions will it work for my totems.

Thanks :smiley:

Thorn Totem, Storm Totem and Frenzy Totem all have the skill tag ‘‘minion, totem and attunement’’ on them so they do scale with increase health to minion.
They are not considered as companion (only wolf, sabertooth, bear, scorpion & spriggan)

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Wow that was quick … Thanks so much for the info :smiley:

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all totems are minions, not all minions are totems. All companions are minions, not all minions are companions. Increased minion health will affect everything. Companion, Minions, Totems. Even totems that do not have trees such as claw totem and healing totem.

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Thx for adding this!

Boardman! Funny you would reply. I was using your build which made me ask the question. Now that this is more relevant and to be more specific. In you’re plague bearers avalanche druid build video, you put points in the Strengthened Bond, which gives increased Armour and protections percentage increase if you have exactly one companion

I tested it and it doesn’t work with the build you made. There’s no benefit to it at all cause were not using a companion were using totems.

Yeah, he did mention in the video a few times that he’d spec’d out of a companion & that not all of the passives were optimal. So if you’re not going with a single companion you can take those points out of Strengthened Bond (& Artor’s Legacy in Beastmaster) & put them elsewhere.

ya you’re totally right he did mention it. I only realized after i had asked questions about if totems were linked to minions.

thanks for the info guys :smiley: :smiley:

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